We have an employee who received travel allowances durinf the year that wwere not included in the STP2 report to the ATO as the allowance code did not have the checkbox ticked to include it in the STP report - how do we correct this before EOY.
Also 2 employees salary sacrified super in July & August 2023 under the previous desktop version of Payroll Premium, therefore those amounts do not appear in their YTD gross salary figures. How do we correct this before EOY.
Hi gemmaconnors,
What happens if you tick the box Show as allowance in STP?
Does it report correctly.
As for the salary sacrifice, were they added as Initial YTD? Can you provide screenshots?You may also check this Post for more information about the disaggregation of gross here:
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Hi Klaura,
I have now ticked the box to show allowances in STP - I don't know yet whether it will now report correctly until I submit another STP report which will be our monthly paurun later next week.
As for the salary sacrifice issue, No, their YTD gross figures came across to the new version without them added into gross. Do you know if I am able to update their YTD Gross figures to fix this?
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Hi gemmaconnors,
Yes, you can update the gross YTD figure by adding the amount in the Initial YTDs located under Employee>Edit details> Initial YTDs
I hope it helps.
Best regards,
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Thanks Karren, I'll give that a go.
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You’re welcome!
If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.
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