How do I print up my inventory and non-inventory lists?
Hi everyone,
I would like to print two lists.
- Inventory Parts
- Non-Inventory Parts
I've clicked on "List", then "Item List", this is the spreadsheet that comes up.
Now I need to print up "Inventory Parts" and "Non-Inventory Parts" which are under the heading of TYPE.
I hope this makes sense.
Thanks so much
what happens when you click on the word spreadsheet down the bottom
Once you have a spreadsheet for the item list you can save it, download to computer and then remove the types you don’t need
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It comes up Import or Export.
What I need to do is print up a list of all charges that have gone to that item for this financial year to date.
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call me I’m having a look now
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exporting the list will just recreate the same list in Excel. If you want to get totals of individual items you can right click on the item and select Fast Report for a list of transactions
There are many reports available to try
E.g. Reports up the top then Inventory have a few, Reports Lists - a few for items in there. If you can’t find anything call me back and I’ll find out exactly what you are after and should be able to help.
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Thanks Kris, I'll try to have a look at it this afternoon, if not next week. It's payroll today. Thanks again so much for all of you help.
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