Failure with draft pay runs…

CJT Member Posts: 6 Novice Member Novice Member


App previously working fine; now I am unable to “Mark Paid” my draft pay runs, nor can I edit or delete them! Just recurrent Failure - Something Went Wrong messages.

I have two accounts, and the other works fine.

Any help gratefully received


  • Lucas
    Lucas Reckon Staff Posts: 298 Reckon Staff
    edited June 25

    Hi @CJT,

    Sorry to hear you are experiencing a problem when marking the pay run as paid with the something went wrong messages.

    Could you possibly send a screenshot of the exact error for me, please?
    Are you currently using the latest version of the app?
    What do you mean that you have another account and it works fine?
    Have you recently made any changes?
    Have you made previous pay runs within this book?

    Please let me know and I will try my best to assist you.

    Thank you and speak soon.



  • CJT
    CJT Member Posts: 6 Novice Member Novice Member

    Hi Lucas

    thanks for the response.

    I use Reckon STP for two different companies with two different email addresses.

    I do draft pay runs often a few months in advance, then just mark as paid when the time comes.

    Been successful with this for several years now.

    Today, one email address account worked fine, the other is completely kaputt.

  • Lucas
    Lucas Reckon Staff Posts: 298 Reckon Staff

    Hi @CJT,

    Thank you for the screenshots, do you mind sending me a private message with your email address for the account experiencing a problem with the pay run?

    I would like to request access and take a look, if you are okay with that!

    Thank you and speak soon.



  • Lucas
    Lucas Reckon Staff Posts: 298 Reckon Staff

    Hi @CJT,

    I have sent an access request, could you please grant access to me and reply here please?

    Thank you.



  • CJT
    CJT Member Posts: 6 Novice Member Novice Member

    Access granted, thanks

  • Lucas
    Lucas Reckon Staff Posts: 298 Reckon Staff
    edited June 25

    Hi @CJT,

    I've just used Payroll web to mark your pay run as paid to see if an error is thrown, it appears to have gone through successfully for 29, May 2024.

    Could you please let me know, if that was the specific pay run with the error?

    Thank you.



  • CJT
    CJT Member Posts: 6 Novice Member Novice Member

    It was all of the drafts

  • Lucas
    Lucas Reckon Staff Posts: 298 Reckon Staff

    Hi @CJT,

    Do you have any other pay runs you need to complete other than the drafts already inside the book?

    Could I suggest maybe uninstalling and reinstalling the app as there appears to be nothing wrong at the time when I mark as paid.

    Thank you.



  • CJT
    CJT Member Posts: 6 Novice Member Novice Member

    Gone back in - other two go through now - Thankyou!

    Does it matter, from ATO perspective, that the one you did is marked “paid” and all of mine are marked “done”?

  • Lucas
    Lucas Reckon Staff Posts: 298 Reckon Staff

    Hi @CJT10,

    The difference of the pay runs is that the one I marked has not been submitted to the ATO, so it will appear as 'paid'. However, when you submit the pay run, I marked as paid and submit to the ATO, it will also be marked as 'done'.

    So please ensure to submit to the ATO the pay run, I was able to mark as done for you.

    Thank you and have a lovely evening!



  • CJT
    CJT Member Posts: 6 Novice Member Novice Member

    thankyou so much for your help!

  • Lucas
    Lucas Reckon Staff Posts: 298 Reckon Staff

    You're welcome CJT :)