EOFY Report not including termination item
Hi, we have just closed our company and have allocated an amount in the “Termination Lump Sum Item D” category for each of us which has correctly populated on each of our payslips, yet doesn’t show those amounts on the EOFY Report. This can’t be right, or is it? Kind regards, Graeme
Dear @GraSalReckon ,
Did you process this EOFY report via STP or did you do Payment Summaries to Print/Email?
If the former, can you tell me what Tax Tracking Type the item has?
If the latter, some payroll items no longer report correctly on Payment Summaries, but should appear correctly on the EOFY STP event.
Kind regards,
Alexander McKeown
Reckon Senior Technical Support
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Dear Alexander, thank you for responding to me. Not being an expert in this software, I did all my reporting via the STP App on my iPad. It appears to me that the last Quarter Payrun is correct for each individual yet doesn't populate the particular item on the EOFY submission. I believe the item tax tracking type is "Redundancy - Lump Sum Item D" which is tax exempt! Is it possible this is why it's not reporting it on the EOFY reports? Wages, tax and superannuation are correct! Regards, Graeme
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Dear Alexander, would it be helpful if I send a few screenshots of the issue to which I’m referring? Kind regards, Graeme
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Dear @GraSalReckon ,
It's likely this is the case - any tax exempt item will not appear in payroll reporting.
Kind regards,
Alexander McKeown
Reckon Senior Technical Support
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