SGC didn't calculated on leave loading
Hi, I've ticked 'include annual leave calculation' in pay item—superannuation— leave tab. However, the SGC still can't be automatically calculated in pay run when there is a leave. I need to manually adjust the correct super amount.
Could anyone help me out, it's annoying. Thank you.
Hi @zhang
Can you please confirm if you have enabled the option from the Super Guarantee - Configure Pay Preferences as in the screenshot -
Also, if you are comfortable providing me the email address for the portal account and Name of the book with the issue, I am happy to investigate for you. You can message me directly and will have a look for you. Thank you!
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Hi zhang,
In addition to Tanvi,
To enable the SCG to calculate on leave loading, please make sure that the button to calculate is ticked.
Setting> Pay items> Leave> scroll down to Show other Preferences
I hope it helps.
Best regards,
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