SGC didn't calculated on leave loading

zhang Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member

Hi, I've ticked 'include annual leave calculation' in pay item—superannuation— leave tab. However, the SGC still can't be automatically calculated in pay run when there is a leave. I need to manually adjust the correct super amount.

Could anyone help me out, it's annoying. Thank you.


  • Tanvi_kataria
    Tanvi_kataria Reckon Staff Posts: 349 Reckon Staff

    Hi @zhang

    Can you please confirm if you have enabled the option from the Super Guarantee - Configure Pay Preferences as in the screenshot -

    Also, if you are comfortable providing me the email address for the portal account and Name of the book with the issue, I am happy to investigate for you. You can message me directly and will have a look for you. Thank you!



  • klaura
    klaura Reckon Staff Posts: 255 Reckon Staff

    Hi zhang,

    In addition to Tanvi,

    To enable the SCG to calculate on leave loading, please make sure that the button to calculate is ticked.

    Setting> Pay items> Leave> scroll down to Show other Preferences

    I hope it helps.

    Best regards,
