stp reporting

Ridgeline Member Posts: 7 Reckoner Reckoner

Hi my EOFY reckon payroll balances to reckon desktop and i have done the EOFY reporting in the app. When i have come to lodge this quarter the payg withholding is not matching and having checked one of the payroll submissions did not go through stp yet shows on the payroll and the EOFY are correct and a payslip was provided for it do i just resubmit the stp?


  • Alexis McKeown
    Alexis McKeown Reckon Staff Posts: 430 Reckon Staff

    Dear @Ridgeline ,

    You will want to resubmit this payrun as an adjustment to the ATO, then resubmit your EOFY.

    This should correct the W1 prefill, and then the figures on the ATO's end.

    Kind regards,

    Alexis McKeown

    Reckon Senior Technical Support