File to large to send as zip file
Member Posts: 5 Reckoner
Hi I am trying to send my reckon account file to my accountant by zip file, but the file is too large to send. I have from the year 2000 onwards. How do I select to send only from a certain year.
With sorting the data file for a certain year. Unfortunately, there is no way as such.
However, you can save a Portable Copy (QBM File) of the company file and that can be shared with the accountant rather than sharing a QBW file, which can then be restored and worked on.
Because Portable Files (QBM) are smaller than A copy of a Company file (QBW). Please check this out - Backing Up and Restoring Data Files. - Reckon Help and Support Centre
I hope this helps. Thank you!
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Hi Tanvi, thank you I will give it a try.
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