2 company accounts in Reckon Hosted
Please help! We have 2 company accounts in reckon hosted Company and Trust. And we have 2 bank accounts as well for the company and trust.
I entered payroll in the company account but I accidentally paid the employee using the Trust account instead of the company account.
How can I fix reckon hosted without returning the money to bank? Do I have to do it before reconciliation?
I've searched some answers on AI but wasn't sure if it's correct. AI talking about creating a ''clear account''.
if you double click on each pay you can change the bank account to the correct one. But if you actually paid the money from the wrong one you will have to do a transfer of the total from the correct bank to the incorrect one. When you reconcile the total of the pay cheques will be marked against the single transfer in the correct account and the deposit and payroll cheques will contra each other in the wrong account
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so I have to go to the correct account which i entered the payroll, how do i transfer the total from the correct account to the incorrect?
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you will have to do a bank transfer for the net total of the payroll
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I'm sorry for my late response I was on holidays. Thanks for your help!
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