Pay items no longer working in new financial year
Member Posts: 6 Novice Member
Hi Everyone
I am having trouble with an employee and their salary sacrifice and extra tax contribution pay items
The pay item for their salary sacrifice has worked fine for over 18 months until the new financial year and it has stopped automatically being taken out. The item is still there in his employee info it just wont automatically work in a pay run you need to manually enter the amount
He has also asked to contribute another $20 to tax per pay run which I have set up but again it is in his employee page but wont automatically come up on a pay run.
Not sure what i have done but i have never had this trouble before.
Hi @BobW
- Regarding the pay items that you have in the Employee record, have you tried removing it completely and re-added them back again?
- When creating a Pay run which option are you selecting? - Is that Copy from previous pay run?
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