AI Intergration
Hi all,
I run a bookkeeping company specialising in supermarket clients, where we manage high volumes of bills across multiple departments. Recently, I came across an AI integrator compatible with Reckon that reads and allocates bills by department and cost, and it seems quite effective and cheap. The bills are automatically stored into google drive and I can now access the bill via Reckon - The program also tells me if there are bills with the same invoice # already in there.
Does anyone know of other AI integrators for Reckon that offer similar functionality or even additional features? I’d appreciate any recommendations or experiences you could share.
So what are you trying to look into other applications , love to know
Cosmic Accounting Group
Accountants and Tax Agents 22397009
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Hi Cosmic,
Thanks for your response. I had a look at your website and looks good but might be a bit expensive compared to my current system. Love to know the additional benefits of yours? The program i've been using does 10,000 pdf pages for $300.
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Yes , i think i know what application you are referring to, Cosmic does bulk uploads say 40 bills in one go and bulk edit on one screen , and scan multiple complex line items and ,many more features
Also we hold all pdfs for down load and review on cloud not Google sheet which goes into another screen.
if you are keen you can try as its free for Trial registration 100 bills . No monthly subscription buy in bulk till finished.
Cosmic Accounting Group
Accountants and Tax Agents 22397009
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