how do i update employee super details
Member Posts: 79 Reckoner
hi im getting the message saying the employee fund details are unavailable and to update employee records how do i do this? if i click on the default fund is sys USI:null????
Hi mel_10460334,
You have to create a super fund item and attach it to your employee's card. You can do this by going to Settings> Super Annuation fund> Create a Super Annuation fund.
I hope it helps.
Best regards,
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yes it has helped but when creating the super fund is it classed as apra regulated or self managed? i am a small business so would it be the first option?
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Hi mel_10460334,
It depends on the type of super you wanted to add. You can verify the type of super here
You can look it up using the name of the super or ABN
Best regards,
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