ReckonAccountsPersonalv31 Upgrade Problems

Firstly I am using a Mac running Windows 11 via Parallels.

I have an urgent and new problem.

I have received the following email extract which is INNACURATE and now currently means I cannot use Reckons Personal Plus at all

"Reckon Accounts Personal Range

Hi Everyone,

The latest Reckon Accounts Personal Range for AU & NZ are scheduled for release on 19 November 2024.

This version has been thoroughly tested and is fully compatible with Windows 11."

However, I have since been advised by Reckons Technical Staff that the program has indeed NOTbeen tested on a Mac using Reckons with Windows11 via Parallels

Before being aware of the above I had downloaded and tried to update to Reckon Accounts Personal Plus V31 and encountered the following: "Your program files(not your data files may have been damaged.You will need to reinstall the program."

I was then advised by Reckon technical staff to try and download the previous 2022 version.

The same problem occurs - 'program files have been damaged"

Reckon technical staff now cannot provide any further advice and in lieu to try contacting Reckon Community for assistance.

I need some help quickly.


  • MikeSmalley
    MikeSmalley Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member

    I have the same problem. I believe it may be due to my up-to-date file with a .rkn extension. can you help please.

  • MikeSmalley
    MikeSmalley Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member

    I have been using Personal Plus or it's equivalent for many years. At some time I noticed that my saved files had been given the extension: .rkn. Personal Plus still worked so I was not worried, assuming that the change was and improvement of the program.

    I was using Personal Plus some weeks ago and saw that the 31 revision was available so I downloaded it and was advised that I had to delete Personal Plus program in order to use it. I did as advised and then opened the v31 program. Having done so I found that the files with .rkn extension was not accepted with the program.

    I tried to get assistance from Technical Support but they kept on referring me to Reckon Community to gain assistance. I was also advised that Personal Plus users were not eligble to use the Technical Support system.

    After a lot of effort I managed to delete v31 and reloaded Personal Plus 2022 but now that program will not accept the file with the .rkn file.

    Can I somehow change the file with .rkn extension to a file that is accepted by v31 or Personal Plus 2022? If not what do you recommend that I should do to resolve this problem?

  • John_8305976
    John_8305976 Member Posts: 41 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi @MikeSmalley

    I'm not in front of my Reckon product right now(on a plane!)

    But, try starting up Reckon v31, then select File→ Restore→select your latest .rkn file and open it.

    Good luck!

    Cheers jc

  • John_8305976
    John_8305976 Member Posts: 41 Reckoner Reckoner

    Also, to clarify a bit more @MikeSmalley

    Reckon .QDF file is the 'working' file that updates in the background when you transact in RPP.

    The .rkn file is created when the user requests a 'Backup' be done of the working file.

    Again, I'm not in front of my computer so 'winging' this explanation.

    Cheers jc

  • faigey
    faigey Member Posts: 51 Reckoner Reckoner

    As John states - the .rkn file is a backup file of all the data.

    However, in order to recall or bring back any data files via .rkn one must have Reckons Personal Plus up and running first and this is not happening .


  • faigey
    faigey Member Posts: 51 Reckoner Reckoner

    Also refer to discussion post

    “Install New Personal plus”

    for other comments made on this issue

  • MikeSmalley
    MikeSmalley Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member

    I am amazed and delighted with the quick, kind and positive response to my problem. Thank you so much. Later on this afternoon I decided to put the problem to AI and guess what, I have got my file working again on Personal Plus 2022. Now I am wondering how I did it and what is the best way to save it so that I don't have the same problem again. I think I still have the advice from AI so I shall print it off for sure. Amazing! Thank you sao much.

  • faigey
    faigey Member Posts: 51 Reckoner Reckoner

    please print out the AI response.

    I would be very grateful to be able to try it out