How to reload Reckon Personal Plus 2022 on an Apple MacBook Air in a Windows 11 partition

cowboy99 Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member

After reloading Reckon Accounts Personal Plus 2022 software onto a Windows 11 partition on an Apple MacBook Air, the following error message appears on the screen: - "Your program files (not your data files) may have been damaged. You will need to reinstall the program"

I have reinstalled the program several times and each time the same error message appears.

I have previously used Reckon Accounts Personal Plus for many years in a Windows partition via Parallels without any problems. i recently attempted to install V31 of the software and encountered the same problem and Reckon advised that I reload Personal Plus 2022. Now i can't reload it and get it to work.

How do I overcome this issue?


  • Alexis McKeown
    Alexis McKeown Reckon Staff Posts: 430 Reckon Staff

    Dear @cowboy99 ,

    There may be a corrupt or damaged component in the Windows Registry, or in other installation directories that a simple uninstall may not correct.

    I'd advise contacting your IT and following the guide below:

    I'd also ensure that in your Windows Features that .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8 are both enabled and installed; any antivirus or firewall is disabled during installation, the installer is not in a secure location (eg. directly on C:\), and that you install the program to the default location.

    You may also want to consider disabling Microsoft's OneDrive as it has proven to cause some issues in Reckon Accounts Personal.

    Kind regards,

    Alexis McKeown

    Reckon Senior Technical Support

  • faigey
    faigey Member Posts: 51 Reckoner Reckoner

    I am having exactly the same problem.

    Firstly I am using a Mac running Windows 11 via Parallels.

    I have received the following email extract which is INNACURATE and now currently means I cannot use Reckons Personal Plus at all

    "Reckon Accounts Personal Range

    Hi Everyone,

    The latest Reckon Accounts Personal Range for AU & NZ are scheduled for release on 19 November 2024.

    This version has been thoroughly tested and is fully compatible with Windows 11."

    However, I have since been advised by Reckons Technical Staff that the program has indeed NOTbeen tested on a Mac using Reckons with Windows11 via Parallels

    Before being aware of the above I had downloaded and tried to update to Reckon Accounts Personal Plus V31 and encountered the following: "Your program files(not your data files may have been damaged.You will need to reinstall the program."

    I was then advised by Reckon technical staff to try and download the previous 2022 version.

    The same problem occurs - 'program files have been damaged"

    Reckon technical staff now cannot provide any further advice and in lieu to try contacting Reckon Community for assistance.

    Does anyone have an answer