Can't Login to Reckon Hosted

We cannot login to Reckon Hosted. We get the message below
" Reckon Accounts Hosted is unable to open this company file.
It may have been opened by another user. You should ask that user to switch to Multi-User mode so that you can both use the company file at the same time
The File could also be located in a read only network folder. If it is, ask you system administrator to make the file accessible (-6073, -99001). "
We only have 2 users, neither are logged in, each time before we attempt to login we go into control panel and log off from our last attempt to login and the refresh.
We have been unable to open our company file now for 6 days, we cannot invoice our customers for goods purchased or any other normal business function because our business relies so heavily on the program.
So far reckon have taken screenshots of the error and offered no other assistance to enable us to use the program again, the matter is becoming very serious for us.
We are beginning to have cash flow problems due to the inability to login to reckon.
Can someone please HELP !!! :(
Best Answer
Hi Gerry, your point is a valid one accept the Reckon program is being used for ongoing business transactions throughout the business day.
It could also be said that for every hour we leave a computer running it is at increased risk, many businesses also use remote desktops to access their server and programs and that is also a risk.
This is why we use Firewall's VPN's etc so that we can increase the safety of using our computer.
Unfortunately, we only have to be fooled by an email and open a link that we believe is valid and our whole network can be corrupted.
Reckon have recently released "Reckon Invoice" for mobile phones and yet we have far less control of security and far higher risk on Mobile Phones than we do in our Business PC's.
have you tried logging out of remote sessions in the Control Panel? Or using a different browser to login
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Sorry to hear you're having trouble with opening your file.
It sounds as though you've already been in touch with our support team, can I please grab your case number just to check in and see where things are at with this.
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Thanks Rav
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Hi Kris, yes we always do that if reckon shows someone is still logged in.
Generally we refresh after logging any logins out from Control Panel swell.
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Thanks for that @OfficeQuipAPS
I've just had a quick look at the notes to see where things are at and I can see there's been a fair bit of communication around this case. Where its at right now though is, the issue has been escalated to our dev team for further investigation. They performed some steps on Tuesday in an effort to try and assist with the problem you're encountering however it seems that hasn't had the desired effect.
The devs will re-examine again including the additional screenshots you've sent through which have been added to the escalation.
The team will be in touch with you again as soon as they've got an update and I'll ping them as well so they're aware of your post.
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Thankyou Rav,
Resolving this problem soon is essential as our business is struggling to run and we are going to have severe cash flow problems if we cannot begin sending out invoices to customers soon.
Likewise with wages calculations etc for our staff.
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I saw its been mentioned in the case notes on a couple of occasions but can I just triple check that the 3rd party integration you're connected to has 100% confirmed they are no longer logged in or accessing your company file?
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Start using the desktop Enterprise and restore a backup that was last working.
Gerry id 6376
Gerhard Winter
Ph. 0418907140
Reckon Store Next Door
"Always at your Service"
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I agree with Gerry, you can always upload your file back to Hosted when all is back to normal
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We can but we had only backed up at the end of the previous week so a lot of data would need to be re-entered.
I cannot understand why they can't log out whatever user is still logged in, and I have been given no explanation as to can, cant or possibly.
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It would be a temporary measure to let you invoice your clients so you can get paid at least.
Give me a call so i can log into your machine and see if i can see any problems.
Gerry id 6376
Gerhard Winter
Ph. 0418907140
Reckon Store Next Door
"Always at your Service"
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you can download the qbw file and try opening in Enterprise to start with, not restore a backup
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No, unfortunately we cannot download the qbw file because of the error. :(
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Thank you for the offer Gerry,
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You do not need to be logged in (or have open) the data file in order to download a copy of the QBW file from the Hosted platform to your local computer.
You would need to login to the Hosted platform but when presented with the login screen to the actual data file, click the Cancel button.
Then you can use the toolbox icon and select the download arrow, then navigate to the location where your QBW file is stored to select the correct data file to be downloaded.
Once downloaded to your local computer, if you have installed a single-user licenced Reckon Accounts Enterprise desktop software, you could then attempt to open the data file.
You can then confirm whether you are either able to open the file or if you are presented with the same error message like the error code " (-6073, -99001)".
Reckon Data Recovery Team
How to ask good questions on the Reckon Community
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you donβt have to open the company file to download it - just click on the red toolbox and the down arrow and navigate to the Q drive
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Hi Kris, we weren't able to download the file due to it showing as being open.
Thank you everyone for your help.
Reckon Tech's have finally manged to refresh the login to clear whatever the problem was, from the back end, so that we can now open it.
A verify showed some data corruption, so a rebuild then 2 more verifys to ensure that data was now ok
Thank you once again
All the Best
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Oh I see, Iβm so glad youβre all sorted now
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I do wonder whether Reckon constantly closing our file, if it is not being used for 10 or 15 mins could contribute to or increase the risk of the problem we have just had of not being able to open our data file for 8 days.
Sometimes we can be in the middle of a data entry and simply be checking on pricing or similar and Reckon will close our file and we log back in certainly reckon will on most occasions keep the partly completed transaction open, but it must severely increase the risk of data & file corruption.
As a business, we when using our accounting program need it to be open constantly during any day it is being used, just like it used to be when we were using Reckon/QuickBooks ( as it used to be called) desktop version.
If Reckon are trying to reduce their server electricity costs or similar I'd rather have an option to pay and extra $50 or $100 annually or whatever so that the file/ Reckon did not close until we want it to close.
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I think it is all based on security no different to your Internet banking it also closes after a short period If not used.
Gerry id 6376
Gerhard Winter
Ph. 0418907140
Reckon Store Next Door
"Always at your Service"