Opening an existing Cheque crashes

Afshin Member Posts: 26 Novice Member Novice Member
edited August 2019 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
I have a cheque that is entered only a few months ago and now I can't open it and every time I open, it crashes. I tried to rebuild but didn't work. What should I do? image


  • gazza73
    gazza73 Accredited Partner Posts: 803 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited February 2017

    A couple of questions should be answered, BEFORE going into your system to establish the answers.  IE:  Try to record what you know, WITHOUT touching your files for a moment.

    **IMPORTANT FIRST STEPS**  COPY TWICE offline/offsite, then proceed.

    1.  Take a WINDOWS FILE COPY of the  various COMPANY(s) data files (all of them,  by copying, (NOT MOVING) them from the main folder,  to a separate, fallback area elsewhere on some external media like an external hard drive.

    2.  Doing (1)  with WIndows, (not the Accounting program),  will also highlight any inability to read the files (as raw computer files),  and may give some useful diagnostic information to help

    3.  NOW, the important thing:  Make yet ANOTHER COPY (as per (1) ,  but this time, into a spare TEST folder that eventually may be thrown away (or may in fact be the recovery)  after some testing that will be discussed below.
    AGAIN:  Ensure no 'copying errors' are reported by WINDOWS.

    4. Now, try and answer the next questions WITHOUT going into the actual Accounting program, so that better consideration of your situation can be made,  before risking further impact on the files.

    a)  What product and version are you running
    b)  How many BACKUPS (ie:  QBB backup files of QBW live files, for instance) do you have
    c)  Do you have a full trial balance of where you are up to,  (but don't go into the files to find out,  just asking at this point)

    The above questions, replied in this forum would be a starting point.

    5. debugging the issue:

    Once there is a COPY made in point (1 and 3),  and ONLY IF no Windows file copying errors were shown in BOTH those steps,  it is time to try an experiment on the TEST COPY made at step (3).

    Start the Accounting program,  but instead of selecting the normal (troublesome) company file,  try OPENING another file.  Open the TEST COPY made in step (3) instead.

    The purpose of doing this step (5)  as a precaution, is two-fold.  Firstly you are going to be playing with an absolute SPARE TEST copy, and if anything goes wrong with that test copy,  no problem, it can be ignored and disposed of.  But secondly,  if by chance the CAUSE of your original problem is due to some hardware disk failure situation where the original file is being stored,  but STILL not apparent from the step (1 or 3) copying,  then the next step may uncover something

    SO: Open the TEST COMPANY and try doing a Verify and Rebuild process on the TEST VERSION of the file.

    6.  Are you able to log into to the TEST version of the file (made in step (3) and rebuilt in step (5)  and run a Trial Balance?

    Depending on whether you've reached this point,  will help determine how much of the COMPANY file is salvageable.   Reaching step (6) does not yet prove that the entire 100% content of accounting data is still present in the TEST data file.  

    It may still be necessary to rely upon older backups if failures occur in steps (1),  (3)  (5)  or the if the trail balance in step (6) does not line up with the real business status.


    Performing this level of recovery,  is best performed by a someone conversant with the product and the IT environment within which you operate. 

    Accredited Partners with IT expertise,  plus liaison with your Accountant and Bookkeeper about the actual Trial Balance status of your business are important to engage on these matters.

    There are over 300+ Accredited Partners who specialise in either Bookkeeping, Accounting, or in our case, IT/Business Analysis/Integration services,  that can oblige you with services in this regard.  Contacting any of them is easy,  via:


    Gary Pope
    An Accredited Partner- Consultant  (VIC. Aust)

    "Working with Accountants/Bookkeepers PPs/APs, as an
          independent IT Professional
    and retired FCPA Accountant"

  • gazza73
    gazza73 Accredited Partner Posts: 803 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited February 2017

    That's a good idea, but do that step via a dummy test copy.  If the system can make a backup to do that, it would permit isolation of the problem.  I'd COPY the troublesome DATA files (without using Reckon) in the first instance,  to a TEST COMPANY named set of files, and take it from there.  Just in case (minor chance,  but don't risk it),  there is any corruption in the file made worse by direct program interaction,  you get a chance to salve a copy of the file before hand.  Costs nothing more except a couple of minutes to take the cautious approach of working with dummy copies.


  • gazza73
    gazza73 Accredited Partner Posts: 803 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited December 2016
    I've failed to ask Afshin what actual program and edition he is running.  I'd assumed it was already a desktop level product.   Let's see what he confirms.


  • Afshin
    Afshin Member Posts: 26 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited August 2019
    Hi Gary/Kevin, Thank you for your suggestions and sorry for late reply. I'm using the desktop version of Account Primier, retail edition 2015. I have my accounting system only on one system and all my files are synced with my dropbox as soon as I close my accounting system. I'm an IT expert and doing book keeping and most of accounting activities myself with someone else helping part time. Our accountant do the annual tax return only so he wouldn't know exactly what's in the system. All the reports that I usually run are fine, bank account reconciliations are fine.. I haven't observed any other problem any where else in the system or for any other transaction except this one. I've done rebuild and verify and run the trial balance report. All have done perfectly however this one transaction still causing the application to crash... I think this is more like a program bug rather than a data entry or file corruption issue.
  • Afshin
    Afshin Member Posts: 26 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited November 2015
    if you are talking about the XML file then yes: I can't upload the file so here is a few first lines of it: <?xml version="1.0"?> UnhandledExceptionC:\Program Files (x86)\Intuit\Reckon Accounts 2015\QBW32.EXE0xc0000005EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION0x636E617292006229.11.9600.1780121212757644096180133764441943032108124209702417058801366 x 76832Intel - Pentium 1698 MHZPentium Pro or Pentium II or better4586C:\Program Files (x86)\Intuit\Reckon Accounts 2015\QBW32.EXE0x004000000x003cb0002015-03-03T02:11:1024.0.4001.125024.0.4001.1250
  • ARC BookKeeping
    ARC BookKeeping Member Posts: 168 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited June 2015
    There is a way of deleting the transaction with out opening it....

    of course you would have to re-enter it & if it had been reconciled .....

    Create some reports to verify which accounts this transaction effects eg p&L. look at the transaction any way possible with out actually opening the Cheque. then....

    Open the Bank Account register (that the Cheque is in) 
    highlight/scroll up to cheque in question
    go Edit/delete chq (or even Void Chq)

    re-enter Cheque.

  • Afshin
    Afshin Member Posts: 26 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited November 2015
    Thank you very much. Voiding it didn't work even through register but I managed to delete the transaction.
  • gazza73
    gazza73 Accredited Partner Posts: 803 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited February 2017
    Angie at ARC is on the ball - sorting this one nicely.   Good one, Angie!    Job done.  Gary