Rollover financial year

TamNguyen Member Posts: 48 Novice Member Novice Member
edited July 2020 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
Hi guys,
I am a newly graduate student in accounting. I don't know what to do with this issue. I am recording data entry for July 2015 in 2015-2016 financial year. This is the complete new file, where I have import the old file chart of accounts. How ever the opening balance is not there :(. What do I do to get my 2015-2016 file up and running? What do I have to look out for? 
Here is what I thought I should do. I should have enter opening balance adjustment for bank statement, liability and equity.

But how do I do that? Do I print out 2014-2015 trial balance? or balance sheet? then base on that to enter journal entry where I debit the account I need and credit the opening balance equity? 

Also, what do I do with withdraw of cash from director?

What do I do to record sale from a pub where they have cash out transaction, EFT sales and credit sale? 

Many thanks guys. 


  • John Graetz
    John Graetz Member Posts: 1,655 Reckon Star Reckon Star
    edited July 2020
    Hi Tam.  With Reckon there is no such thing as a rollover into a new financial year.  You can just keep on using the old file.  This saves you all the time in having to bring everything forward from the old ledger and all of the hassles that this brings you.  Other accounting programs do involve a rollover, but not Reckon.  The problem with rolling over in Reckon, is that you lose all of you history because the previous transactions are in a different file and that in itself if a very big time loser, is you want to look at previous transactions.  To preserve the "integrity" of old data, you should set a closing date, with a password, at least each time you complete your Business Activity Statement.  You do this by going to "Company" and "Set Closing Date".  This then requires a password to be used if somebody wants to make a change to old data.  The only major reason that I know of to change to a new file is if the old file is so big in size that you feel that starting a new file would benefit speed.  John G
  • TamNguyen
    TamNguyen Member Posts: 48 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited September 2015
    Thank you John for your in depth answer, but the problem is my company starting to use the 2015 reckon version in which we can't open the old file with it. Therefore I have to roll the old information over to the new file. I have export all charts of accounts, customer list, supplier, and employee list. I also just found out another problem, when I import the data from the old file it show the account receivable with negative figure in it which is exact figure that we haven't collect from the client. What should I do to fix it John?
  • Wilma van Eyk
    Wilma van Eyk Member Posts: 15 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi Tam,  what version was the old company file in?  You have have to upgrade it through 2007 first.
    Then you will be able to upgrade to 2015 with all the data intack.  I think there are some installation guides on this on the reckon site.  Cheers Wilma

  • TamNguyen
    TamNguyen Member Posts: 48 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi Wilma, the old version of quickbook is 2014. The IT guy install this 2015 version in the server of the company. So we have two version in the server in which we have to use different version to access the different year.
  • John Graetz
    John Graetz Member Posts: 1,655 Reckon Star Reckon Star
    edited July 2020
    Hi Tam

    When you try to open the old file (which used the 2014 version of the PROGRAM) under the new PROGRAM for the 2015 version, you will be told that you need to upgrade your file, so that it can work with the 2015 version of the PROGRAM).  There are a series of steps which you need to follow in order to upgrade the file.  Once you have done this, your file will only work under the 2015 version of the PROGRAM.  There is absolutely no need to go through the prolonged and difficult road that you are trying to negotiate, when there is a far simpler alternative which, I imagine, probably 99.9% of all other users follow.  The upgraded file will contain all of your previous data - it is not destroyed and nothing else should need to be copied into, as a general rule. Always keep a backup of your old file, as part of the upgrade process, in case something goes wrong with the upgrade process - then, if this is the case, you can go back to the original file and start again (an extremely very rare event in my experience).  You should have received documentation regarding the steps to take to upgrade your file, when you received the new 2015 version of the PROGRAM.  John G
  • TamNguyen
    TamNguyen Member Posts: 48 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited September 2015
    Thank you Very much John, I have discussed it with my boss about your thought and he agreed to do as your advice. The one thought on my mind is that we use window server 2008 is it will be any problem at all if I upgrade it through the server? I reckon it shouldn't be any problem, but I will back up the file like you said then do it. Thank you again for your advice, it is much appreciated.
  • John Graetz
    John Graetz Member Posts: 1,655 Reckon Star Reckon Star
    edited December 2016
    Hi Tan.  Window Server 2008 should not provide any problems.  Before I moved to Hosted 12 months ago, we were still using Server 2003 without any problems and I still go back there occasionally to look at some old companies.  Part of the process to upgrade the file will require you to take a backup.  I also like to actually copy the old file to a "safe" and separate directory, in case I have to get to it in an emergency, as it takes less time to use that copy rather than to have to use the backup copy.  What you are going to do now should be a "dream" compared to the "nightmare" that you were facing.  John G

  • TamNguyen
    TamNguyen Member Posts: 48 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi John,

    Thank you for your helpful support, I done that upgrade with no problem. 

    I wondering if you can help me with my other questions. 

    (1) Question 1:

    I am recording receivable from the pub income. The problem here is when the customer purchase a meal in a pub they will ask for some cash out and I got this at the end of the day report.
    How do I record that $200 cash out on reckon? 
    From my understanding that $200 should not be treated as income so the eftpos amount of $1171.50 should really be splitted as $971.50 income and $200 as cash out, but how do I record that? 

    (2) Question 2:

    To cover some expenses my boss has transferred some money from another bank account from different company. How do I record the transfer? I went and tried to deposit to the bank from CAB bank but then the software asked from which account?

    I also tried transfer but I don't know what account to select from the drop down button as the money is not from any account in list of accounts but from other entities not related to the company. Does any of what I say make sense to you?

  • John Graetz
    John Graetz Member Posts: 1,655 Reckon Star Reckon Star
    edited July 2020
    Hi Tam.  For Question 1.  If you are balancing the takings for the day, ultimately, in order to balance, you will have EFTPOS transactions as one deposit and a separate deposit to your bank account which will comprise the rest of the takings in the form of cash and cheques.  If everything is being balanced, when you go to make the cash deposit, it will be short $200 because cash has been taken out of the takings to provide for the Cash Out.  It really depends on what system you are using to account for the cash transactions.  If you are balancing against the till totals, then you will be out by $200, but if you are just counting up the cash and saying that this amount represents all of your cash sales, then you have a problem, because you haven't accounted properly for all of your cash transactions.  If you really are balancing against the till totals, then the following would apply.

    In order to balance the EFTPOS transactions, you are going to need to account for that $200 as a form of receipt.  So this is what I would be doing:
    1.  Set up an Other Current Asset Account called CASH OUT
    2.  On your Items List, set up a new item for "Other Charge" called "Cash Out".  You will not use a Tax Code and the General Ledger account to be used will be the one that you set up in step 1.
    3.  When you record the EFPTOS receipt, use the Cash Out item to record the Cash Out.
    4.  At the end of the day you should find that the CASH OUT Asset account has a balance of $200 in it.
    5.  When you go to do your Bank Deposit (Banking/Make Deposits) for your cash takings, you should find that the amount in Undeposited Funds is $200 more than the actual cash that you have to deposit.  So, in order to make the deposit agree with Undeposited Funds, you will find on the bottom fight hand corner of the banking module, something called "Cash Back Goes to".  In the first box you will record the name of that Asset Account called "CASH OUT".  Then in the next box input a brief memo such as "Cash out using EFTPOS" and record the $200 amount.  When you do this, your banking will balance and after you fully record your transaction, you will find that the CASH OUT account goes back to zero.

    If you are not following the above procedure to cater for your cash sales, that is using the till takings total, then a slightly different approach will need to be taken.

    For Question 2.  Are the expenses that the boss is covering personal expenses which have been initially been paid by the entity and then is he reimbursing the entity?  

    John G 
  • TamNguyen
    TamNguyen Member Posts: 48 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi John,
    I have sent you request for connect on Linkedin. :) 
    I start at 7 am in the morning and I haven't finished yet because of this problem hahaha. I must get this one done. Anyway, I follow what you instructed me.

    (1) Create a receipt

    (2) Cash out current asset amount. Why is it minus -200 because it is another charge?image
    (3) Deposit the amount back to bank account from undeposited funds.image

    I did just like you say at the corner where cash goes to I put cash out current asset and put $200 there. 
    The cash out current asset back to zero. 
    The profit and loss reflect the correct earning which is 800 something without tax
    But the deposit to the bank is not correct :(
    It suppose to be $1171.50. 
    I think I did something wrong when I follow your instructions. But the earning was correct at $971.50 without tax which is what I want to see in profit and loss. 

    What should I do?

    With the other question 2 before, the expenses are the company expenses. 

  • TamNguyen
    TamNguyen Member Posts: 48 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited September 2015
    I tried to use item list as cash payment but it is still the same. Still have a wrong ban ace in the bank, what should I do me John?
  • John Graetz
    John Graetz Member Posts: 1,655 Reckon Star Reckon Star
    edited December 2016
    Hi Tam.  Please refer to the detailed responses that I sent to you last night to your private email address.  John G