Using Reckon Hosted for Multi Company Accounting and Reporting

SSZ Member Posts: 9 Novice Member Novice Member
Hi all, we are looking at Reckon Accounts Hosted for multi company accounting and reporting. We have a number of entities in different states with different ABNs. Our requirements: 1. Ability to do day to day accounting on separate company files 2. Multi-user access with access control (e.g. someone can only access one entity's file, someone can access everything, etc) 3. Ability to access different company files at the same time by different users 4. Consolidated reporting Basically, I want to find out if it is possible to have one centralised Reckon Hosted service for our entire organisation and to implement it in different locations, so people can just log on to the cloud and access their own file, and then the Head Office is able to maintain its own accounts and also produce consolidated reports that combine info from all entities. By looking at the website, my impression is that Reckon Hosted (Enterprise) can only support multi-company reporting, but not necessarily the day to day accounting as well? At the moment, everyone is on their own Reckon or QB software on possibly different versions as well... Please advise. Thanks Shawn


  • Shayne McNamara
    Shayne McNamara Member Posts: 43 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited July 2018
    We have exactly this set up.  We have 5 different companies as well as some trusts all in separate company files.  We do consolidated reporting for 4 of these entities.  

    Most of the company files we have run inventory and multi-currency as well.  We have three "users" which means that if authorised to access a company file three people can be accessing one company file or any of the other files but only 3 at a time as only 3 user licenses.  We do though have 5-6 people "sharing" a user but obviously only three of these people can be logged on at any one time.

    Also even within a company file you can limit access to certain areas.

    We were on Quickbooks before and the benefit of consolidated reporting and payroll made RAH a better choice.  Plus you can access from anywhere including tablets.  We looked at MYOB and Xero but we only have a few users and lots of companies and Xero charges per company so would have been much more expensive.  Plus Reckon has much better inventory handling.

    There are a few irritations like uploading and downloading info and the cumbersome copy and paste but the fact we can use on multiple platforms (PC,. MAC, tablet) makes it work well for us.  The only other downside is their support is sometimes lacking but if you are experienced in Quickbooks then RAQH is good for you as efectively this is the Enterprise version and although they don't advertise it entitles you to a desktop version of Enterprise also.
  • Jeffrey Arana_7451558
    Jeffrey Arana_7451558 Member Posts: 51 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited March 2017
    Hey mate. All of the above is Reckon Hosted. In our company, we have several books (company files), multi-user access from different offices we have in Australasia, in different time zones, currency, etc. (Our) Head office though is at Australia. Give it a try and contact sales at
  • SSZ
    SSZ Member Posts: 9 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited September 2016
    Thanks Jeffrey. That means within one Reckon Hosted account you can have multiple data files and different users can log in to Reckon Hosted and access different data files at the same time?
  • Jeffrey Arana_7451558
    Jeffrey Arana_7451558 Member Posts: 51 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited December 2016
    Yes Shawn. Like you I tested the same from our then Quickbooks to RAH (circa July 2014), and migrated ours since then. RAH is per licence per user thingy.
  • SSZ
    SSZ Member Posts: 9 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited September 2016
    Thanks Shayne. The reason for looking at Hosted is because our related entities are in different states. If we can have multiple company data files within one Hosted account and people from different offices can access different files at same times and we (head office) can consolidate, then it sounds like a very good solution for us. I had a trial last year and I quite like the Hosted and it is even faster than our current desktop version of Reckon... But I didn't try out the multi-company functionality back then.
  • SSZ
    SSZ Member Posts: 9 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited September 2016
    Sounds good. So I just need to work out how many user accounts we need to have and get a quote from sales. Another question I have is that at the moment, we are all on Reckon or QB, but each entity may be on different version of Reckon or QB. Not sure if this would make the migration to Hosted difficult, but I guess this is a question for the tech support/sales...
  • Jeffrey Arana_7451558
    Jeffrey Arana_7451558 Member Posts: 51 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited December 2016
    Different versions of QB: have them all in QBB files backed up. Then when you upload to RAH, the system will convert them to RAH Edition 2016. (You cannot go back anymore to the old ones please take note.) Then all of your users be in the same versions. Take note: Latency normally is about 90-100ms (from where our sites resides, Perth, Sydney, NZ, Phils, SG, and mobile users whenever they are in the USA (latency is about 100-150ms)
  • Shayne McNamara
    Shayne McNamara Member Posts: 43 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited September 2016
    Yep - we have three people accessing a company file.  One in Auckland, one in hamilton and one in Rotorua but I could be in San Francisco and access fully if need be.
  • SSZ
    SSZ Member Posts: 9 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited September 2016
    Hi all, thanks for your replies. Just one more question on consolidation. Does anyone know if Reckon is capable of doing inter-company eliminations? If it simply aggregates figures from different companies within the group, then it doesn't really help a lot. Thanks.
  • Shayne McNamara
    Shayne McNamara Member Posts: 43 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited July 2018
    It simply records the figures from each "company" file and totals so ideally having all companies with similar Charts of Accounts helps.  It does allow export though as an Excel Spreadsheet so you can manipulate and report that way.