Open Previous Company only shows last file opened in correct location

Mike Paneth
Mike Paneth Member Posts: 33 Reckoner Reckoner
edited December 2017 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
I go into Premier and work on several companies and during this session I can jump between all files I have opened using "Open Previous Company". Data files are in "c:\Users\Mike\Documents\Reckon Limited"

However if I close Premier and then re open it I can only see the last file opened in the correct location.  All other files that I had previously opened do not exist and instead I have files from a different drive."F:\Users\Mike\Documents\Reckon Limited". F: is where I used to store the old data files

This started happening when I updated my C: and moved the Documents directory to my C: from F:

I have reloaded Premier several times but this hasn't helped.


Any help would be appreciated.



  • Big Hat
    Big Hat Accredited Partner Posts: 95 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited December 2017

    Give me a call on 0418 771 971 and i will walk you through the process

    John Peppas

    John Peppas

  • Mike Paneth
    Mike Paneth Member Posts: 33 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited October 2017

    When is the best time to call you?

  • Mike Paneth
    Mike Paneth Member Posts: 33 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited December 2017
    Finally found an answer.
    The qbw.ini file was in the C:|Windows directory and Windows update had put a write protect on the Windows directory as part of their new security protection mechanism.
    Is it possible to put the qbw.ini file in another directory, not as critical as the Windows directory? eg the Reckon directory