Bill transaction has disappeared from bank reconciliation list after corresponding supplier adjustme

Heids Member Posts: 8 Reckoner Reckoner
edited August 2019 in Reckon One
Hi everyone. I am a very new user of Reckon One, and have had some bookkeeping training. I am doing my own bookkeeping for my business.

I have a problem, and I don't know if it is a software glitch, or a user error.

I entered a Bill, and later entered a Supplier Adjustment Note for the same item, as the item was no longer available. (I followed advice from the Reckon One video tutorial for supplier refunds).

Now, the original Bill transaction has disappeared from my bank reconciliation list (although it is still there in Bills). The corresponding Supplier Adjustment Note transaction is visible in the bank reconciliation list. This means that my bank reconciliation balance is incorrect.

Please help! Thank you.


  • Shisir
    Shisir Reckon Alumni Posts: 213 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff
    edited October 2018

    Hi Heids,

    Welcome to Reckon Community.

    So just trying to understand your issue here:

    You mentioned the original bills is not appearing on the reconciliation list: can you please confirm if you have actually paid the bill or not? Because, the bank accounts will only display the bank transactions, where you have received the money or paid it out.

    When you just enter the bills but is not paid, it will now show on the reconciliation window, as it is just payable (not paid).

    Other reason I can think of that it is not showing the bills, is that possibly you may have ticked the option to hide reconciled checkbox on the bank account.

    Please let me know how that goes. If the issue persists, can you please provide more information as

    1. How you have recorded transaction in what order like entered bill > paid bill > enter Supplier Adj note > and entered refund? Or something different?
    2. What report are you looking at and how much is the difference?


  • Heids
    Heids Member Posts: 8 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited October 2018
    Hi Shisir! Thank you very much for your reply.

    I have double-checked the following:

    1. I have paid the original bill. It appears in the Bills section as Paid.

    2. I don't have the 'Hide reconciled' button ticked in the Bank accounts (Reconcile) section.

    With regards to your next questions:

    1. I recorded the Bill transaction first (which was $28.90 paid on 2/7/2018), then later recorded the refund via the Supplier Adjustment Note (which was $28.68 refunded on 30/7/2018).

    2. I haven't generated a report, but am looking at the 'Closing reconciled balance to 31 Jul 2018', which doesn't match the actual bank balance on that date. The difference is the missing Bill transaction of $28.90.

    Should I just try to delete both the Bill and the Supplier Adjustment Note (if that's possible), and enter them again?

    I appreciate your help!

  • Shisir
    Shisir Reckon Alumni Posts: 213 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff
    edited October 2018

    Hi Heidi,

    Thanks for the detailed update. So what I think may have happened is, when you recorded the Supplier adjustment note (SAN), did you actually Entered the refund as well or just saved it as SAN.

    Because, unless you record the SAN and hit the Enter Refund button, that amount will not hit your bank account but just sits as credit from the supplier.

    Therefore, if you have actually received the refund on your bank, you will need to Enter refund from that SAN, which will then create an entry on your bank. 

    Hope that helps.
  • Shisir
    Shisir Reckon Alumni Posts: 213 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff
    edited October 2018
    Further can you also please go to this instruction and see how that bills was paid.
    Note: this instruction speaks about invoice, you will read that as biils.
  • Heids
    Heids Member Posts: 8 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited October 2018
    Hi Shisir

    Thanks again.

    I have already done Enter Refund. 

    It's the original Bill transaction that is missing from the reconciliation list, not the SAN/refund.

    I'll have a look at the link you shared with me - cheers!


  • Heids
    Heids Member Posts: 8 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited October 2018
    I've discovered what happened.

    When I entered the original Bill, I accidentally put the date payable in October, instead of in July (when it was actually paid).

    I found the Bill in the October reconciliation list, then amended it to have a date payable in July. It has now reappeared in my July transactions in the reconciliation list.
  • Shisir
    Shisir Reckon Alumni Posts: 213 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff
    edited October 2018
    Oh good, that is a great news :-) Glad it is sorted.

    Thanks for the update.
