In Reckon Accounts Personal Plus 2018 how to I cancel yearly transactions that has been reconciled a

Paul Cornish
Paul Cornish Member Posts: 7 Reckoner Reckoner


  • Paul Cornish
    Paul Cornish Member Posts: 7 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited June 2019
    Hi Diver Dave, I have created a year-end-copy of each financial year and I still have all the transactions since 2011 in reckon and it is slowing up the transactions going forward so if I could delete some of these yearly transactions it may quicken up the programme. When I went to delete each transaction it stuffed up the account. Would it be because the account has been reconciled? Is there a away to delete the transactions in groups rather the by single transactions? Can it be done, if so how? Thanks.
  • John Campbell
    John Campbell Member Posts: 193 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited June 2019


    I do recall an archive option in RPP many years ago which did what you might be implying.

    My recollection is that you could select to archive a year, which would then delete all the transactions for that year and reset the opening balance at the end of that archived year. (probably delete all transactions to the end of archive period, or was that Outlook ? )

    The advantage would be that you have less transactions in the .QDF file to possibly "quicken up the programme",

    BUT the disadvantage is that these archived transactions would be lost and you could not review past years performance.
    When I found this out, I quickly deleted this change and went to a backup of before the archive and never tried it again.

    If you are noticing a slow down, how many transactions do you have ?
    A lot of transactions is different for everyone.

    I think I have about 50,000 transactions, which means to do a dump of transactions to a .csv or .prn file, I have to do multiple dump reports, by selecting different date ranges so reports have less than 32,000 transactions. ( a hassle I have learned to cope with as many RPP reports can not cope with more than 32,767 transactions ) ( RPP uses a 4-byte disk address so files up to 2GB should be supported, which is much bigger than my 40 MB .QDF file, although it may be compressed. Should be many years left in the file size limit, but how many for RPP support ? )

    If you have a lot more than 50,000 then you may be reporting a problem I have not experienced.
    If not then I suggest you get a faster computer.

    Alternatively you could experiment with the archive option, but back up first !

    Slow down due to lots of price records is also being reported as a problem, but this depends on what statistics are selected for the investment screen. My .QPH file has about 350,000 price records.

    My recommendation is get a faster computer (and/or faster disk). The way I anticipate most others use RPP is that deleted historical transactions takes away most of the benefits of RPP.

    Unfortunately, Reckon are not going to tune RPP to the modern PC environment with more memory and faster disks.

    Hope this answers your question.


    PS you could also look at the knowledge base, although the following is dated 2002
  • Paul Cornish
    Paul Cornish Member Posts: 7 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited June 2019
    Thanks John for your reply. It looks as though I will need a faster computer. I will play around with the archive option first. Cheers Paul
  • GerryWinter
    GerryWinter Accredited Partner Posts: 1,318 Personal Range Elite Expert Personal Range Expert
    edited June 2019
    I personally wouldn't delete of Archive as history is important to me.


    Gerry id 6376

    Gerhard Winter

    Ph. +61 0418907140

    Reckon Store Next Door

    "Always at your Service"


  • Paul Cornish
    Paul Cornish Member Posts: 7 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited June 2019
    Thanks Gerry.
  • Paul Cornish
    Paul Cornish Member Posts: 7 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited June 2019
    Hi Diver Dave is there a delete phase in the archive section? Thanks.
  • Paul Cornish
    Paul Cornish Member Posts: 7 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited June 2019
    Thanks Dave for your input. I was able to archive the file and delete it.

    Thanks  Again

  • John Campbell
    John Campbell Member Posts: 193 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited June 2019

    My only comment is to reiterate :

    "The way I anticipate most others use RPP is that deleted historical transactions takes away most of the benefits of RPP."

    You did not indicate how many transactions in your .QDF file to justify the claim of RPP slowing down. ( It could be for another reason )
  • Paul Cornish
    Paul Cornish Member Posts: 7 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited June 2019
    Hi John, I had transactions back to 2011. I was able to archive each year onto a USB stick and when I archive each calendar year it deleted the previous year. Archiving these files it has speed up the programme. Thanks for your input. Cheers Paul