STP - Question re: JobKeeper

Kathy_9712432 Member Posts: 4 Reckoner Reckoner
edited April 2020 in Accounts Hosted
Regarding Reckon Online Hosted

We pay weekly and process STP weekly, so I had already processed the first 3 weeks that will be included in the JobKeeper payment.

My question is - I have amended my Reckon Online Hosted records - do I also need to do an "Update Event" in the STP system in order to reflect the below:

A week where I had to make a top up payment to reach the required $750 for each employee, which I have already paid, but called something else. I have amended my records to be the JOBKEEPER-TOPUP Allowance. 

Or by amending my Reckon Online system, will it be uploaded correctly along with the next weeks STP (i.e. in the YTD totals?)



  • Linda Benfield
    Linda Benfield Member Posts: 75 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited April 2020
    Hi Kathy, 

    Since lodging an STP from hosted only takes a couple minutes I have re-lodged the STP's since the first payrun in April just to be on the safe side.

    I felt more comfortable doing this than risking not getting the Jobkeeper payments in early May.

    But Yes, it will show in the YTD totals.

    Kind regards


  • Kathy_9712432
    Kathy_9712432 Member Posts: 4 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited April 2020
    Hi Linda,

    Thanks for your replay.

    I think I will go ahead and re-lodge as well.

    Thank you!

  • Mike Garben
    Mike Garben Member Posts: 5 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited April 2020
    Thanks for that. But should we be using the ""New Pay Run / Full File Replacement"" option or the 
    ""Update a previously completed ATO submission or Finalise Year"" to update our previously lodged STP's?
  • Linda Benfield
    Linda Benfield Member Posts: 75 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited April 2020
    No, just export the file as you normally would do.
