Backup File

mia_10385062 Member Posts: 1
edited January 2020 in Payroll Premier
Hi everyone, In the recent payroll I accidentally opened a backup file and processed payroll on it. How can I transfer the recent data to the default file or how can I set up the backup file as the default one, so that every time this backup file will be opened automatically. Thanks Miya


  • Joydeep Singh
    Joydeep Singh Reckon Staff Posts: 15 Reckon Staff
    edited January 2020
    Hi Miya,

    To make a file default in Payroll Premier close your Payroll Premier and please go to "C:\QPRollV28\Data" location if you are using Payroll Premier 2019 version and delete the Qcompany.tps file. After that please open Payroll Premier and it will give you an option to select your Company file. Please select your file it should open and close the first time. Once it closes open it once again and the company file should be defaulted.