Incorrect amount transferred to employee's bank account

Mandy Carmody_10422872
Mandy Carmody_10422872 Member Posts: 2
edited January 2020 in Payroll Premier
Hi guys,

I typed in the incorrect amount when paying an employee.  I transferred $918.14 to their bank account rather than $918.41, so my bank rec is out by $0.27.

My bank won't let me transfer under $1.00.

How do I rectify this?

Your help is most appreciated!!


  • Helen Bowers
    Helen Bowers Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2020
    Hi Mandy. Do you use the export for banking? This alleviates errors in transferring pays. The only thing to do is correct the pay for the error and then pay the extra next pay.
  • Mandy Carmody_10422872
    Mandy Carmody_10422872 Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2020
    Hi Helen,

    Yes, I do use the export for banking normally but for this one I didn't because there were some other things happening.

    Instead of correcting the pay, I've just changed the employee to be paid manually this week instead of via online so I can manually adjust it.
