Issue updating employee address for STP

Maria Overmeer
Maria Overmeer Member Posts: 1
edited September 2019 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
I am attempting my first STP and I keep getting the message that the employees are missing the state in their address. I update both employees with the state but the file will not hold this information. Each time I go back and check the state location is again missing. Any Ideas - thanks.


  • Robyn Kelly (Partner)
    Robyn Kelly (Partner) Accredited Partner Posts: 475 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited September 2019
    Have you fixed ths issue?
    Is it Reckon Accounts desktop you are using or another product?
    When you start typing the state do you get a drop down box to then choose the state & if so can you select from the dropdown list?