Total sales amount on P/L differs to TAx reports due to Original amount and paid amount being differ

Carina Gazzard_10429897
Carina Gazzard_10429897 Member Posts: 2
edited May 2020 in Accounts Hosted
Total Sales on P/L being calculated on Original amount while the Tax reports are being calculated on the Paid amount from the Tax Detail report.
Why would this be?  My Sales is out of balance by $25.34 due to this reason.
Thanks for any advice


  • Kris_Williams
    Kris_Williams Member Posts: 3,307 Reckon Accounts Hosted Expert Reckon Accounts Hosted Expert
    edited May 2020
    Profit & Loss is probably set to Accrual/Net and tax summary is set to Cash if your GST registration is cash basis. This is correct, but if you just want to check change your P & L to cash basis in preferences report method.