How do i hide the itemised items on my tax invoice?

James Beks
James Beks Member Posts: 1
edited August 2019 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
How do i hide the list of items that are included on an invoice from printing on that invoice. We are using the inventory system so we still want the record of items but we dont wanna show the listing of everything to the customer we only want them to see the total


  • Mirko
    Mirko Reckon Alumni Posts: 1,256 ✭✭
    edited November 2015
    Hey James, I'm unaware of the ability to rove the list of items. I assume it stems from ATO requirements for tax invoices; > You may wish to speak to your Accountant about this to confirm your compliance & regulatory requirements.

    If anyone in the Community has a way to make this work from a technical level, their input would be appreciated.

  • Toni Jamieson
    Toni Jamieson Member Posts: 31
    edited April 2015
    If you are referring to when you invoice a customer and you would like to hide all of the items so they may only see a line maybe saying - 'as per quote' etc...
    You can use a group for this. You set a group up in your item list - add all of the parts you may use for that and then enter all of the quantities and prices etc on the invoice and then the client will only see what you have typed in for the group in the description - if that's what you wanted??
  • Toni Jamieson
    Toni Jamieson Member Posts: 31
    edited April 2015
    As an example of you were a carpet laying company your group description might be 'to supply and install carpet and underlay as per quote'
    the in my items inside that group I would have carpet sales, labour, underlay etc.
    Then take the tick off print items in group 
    Then choose the group when creating the invoice and fill in all of your items.

    Hope this helps or else i've just gone on a completely different tangent :)
  • Trevor Watson
    Trevor Watson Member Posts: 61
    edited April 2015
    Thanks Toni - I'll have a play with this and see if it works. I did try it once creating an assembly but that was just too much of a PITA. Currently the way I do quotes  is create an estimate, which then can be used for creating POs etc, create a sales order with one line item (called Instructions - description Supply and Install xxx as per quote) charge everything to the job as unbillable and where its an inventory item write it off in a stock adjustment with the description "Used in Quoted job" and to keep track if you've made or lost money on the job run actual vs estimate report.