How to download CSV, IIF and other files from Reckon Accounts Hosted to your local computer

Datarec_ReckonLtd Reckon Staff Posts: 1,079 Reckon Staff
edited December 2016 in Accounts Hosted
Transferring CSV reports exported from Reckon Accounts Hosted to your local machine

1. Click on the download image icon located on the top right hand corner of your screen


2. Click on the “Look in:” drop-down menu and select “My Live (Q:) “ where files are located by default


3. Select the file that you want to make a local copy of.

- in this example we have Balance Sheet Report.csv file which we want to open in Excel on our local computer


4. The Reckon Accounts Hosted download function will automatically download the file to your web browsers default download folder location.


You have now successfully transferred the CSV file onto your local machine. 

Once done click on “Open downloads folder” to navigate to the file. (Google Chrome)

You can choose to move the downloaded file to another location if preferred.

You can then open it in another software such as Excel for further processing.

You can watch the video for Uploading and Downloading Company Files to the new Reckon Accounts Hosted for the example of how the upload and download works.
* Data Recovery Team *