How to include tax amount in Supplier's Unpaid Bills Detail Report?

Reyson Royo_7578578
Reyson Royo_7578578 Member Posts: 1
edited February 2017 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
How to include tax amount in Supplier's Unpaid Bills Detail Report?


  • Mustafa
    Mustafa Reckon Alumni Posts: 52
    edited December 2015
    Hi Reyson,

    Welcome to the Reckon Community and thank you for your question.

    Unfortunately you cannot add a separate column for tax amount on supplier unpaid bill detail report.

    Workaround: I have created a bill for $110 with tax amount $10.00, then went to reports > custom transaction detail report > modify report > select display option & under columns tick tax amount which in turn display the split transaction with tax amount:


    We hope the above helps you resolving your issue. If you need further assistance, please let us know.


  • gazza73
    gazza73 Accredited Partner Posts: 803 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited February 2017

    Following the above top idea/approach by Mustafa,  there is another nice report that you can add the Tax Amount column too (depending on the Reckon product you're running),  but show all the unpaid bills nicely split up  into subtotals alphabetically by Supplier name,  similar to an A/P report.

    Depending on the Reckon Product you are running,  there is this nice option in Reckon Accounts  (ie: Premier or Enterprise) .

    Reports -->   Industry Specific - >  Contractor Reports  -->  UNPAID Job BILLS by Supplier

    (then do a report menu:  Modify Report -->   Display -->  (and tick:) TAX Amount
    (about 70% down the long list of column choices)

    If you like the report,  MEMORISE it as a report by a name you prefer.


    Gary Pope
    An Accredited Partner- Consultant  (VIC. Aust)

    "Working with Accountants/Bookkeepers PPs/APs, as an
          independent IT Professional
    and retired FCPA Accountant"