Reminder for ACTIVATION of Reckon needs clarifying (when not yet expired)

gazza73 Accredited Partner Posts: 803 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
edited December 2016 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
Reckon Enterprise ACTIVATION due to expire at date: dd-mmm-yyyy  still seeks entry of activation codes when prematurely needing to do so.   Clarity is needed on whether activation is in fact needed yet or not, as opposed to seeking renewal of subscription payments.

observation:  Upon startup, a "REMINDER" suggests that product needs ACTIVATION, and states that expiry is coming up shortly.  Well, it has NOT yet expired,  and it still IS activated.  The point is,  users are prompted to click NEXT to activate again, which ios a premature move,  if they don't want to financially renew until closer to the expiry date.  A little clarification, I suggest, is warranted in this matter,  to stop the confusion about whether the site is indeed still activated already,  when nearing expiry date. (but not expired YET).

Communication is everything!


Gary Pope
An Accredited Partner- Consultant  (VIC. Aust)
"Working with Accountants/Bookkeepers PPs/APs, as an
      independent IT Professional
and retired FCPA Accountant"