Reckon Accounts 2015 error 340 when downloading Quotes

Joe Patuto
Joe Patuto Member Posts: 3
I get this error when I try to download quotes. Been like this since my upgrade
Tells me I have not renewed my licsence, however when I check I have paid till 2016.
Suggets to fix please


  • Fred_7639421
    Fred_7639421 Member Posts: 37 ✭✭
    edited August 2015
    As a clue, what does Help>Licence Information show? - go from there.
  • Joe Patuto
    Joe Patuto Member Posts: 3
    edited August 2015
    It shows that I have a licence up to next year
  • Fred_7639421
    Fred_7639421 Member Posts: 37 ✭✭
    edited August 2015
    Sorry - if both Accounts and Online Services show both Valid I don't know. In these types of cases I usually use the hammer approach (save data files) and uninstall, clean out the Registry, Re-install and re-register again. I found over the years, this the quickest method rather than hunt for solution.
  • Mirko
    Mirko Reckon Alumni Posts: 1,256 ✭✭
    edited November 2015
    Hey Joe, please give us a call on 1800 RECKON if you are still having trouble after reinstall.