How to I set up separate payroll liabilities for SGT &^ PAYG in Accounts Plus 2015

Sharon Chaffey
Sharon Chaffey Member Posts: 3

How can I separate my payroll liabilities (PAYG & SGT) in Reckon Accounts Plus 2015 program.  The program automatically lumps them together on the balance sheet under payroll liabilities and the accountant wants them listed separately?

Thanks in advance for any inputs.


  • Kwikbooks (Professional Partner)
    Kwikbooks (Professional Partner) Member Posts: 825 ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Hi Sharon

    I will apologise if i get some of this wrong but I have not used Plus for a long time, however the same happens in all RA payroll programs, all are lumped together under payroll liabilities.

    In chart of accounts make 2 sub accounts under payroll liabilities 1. SGC 2. PAYG - then go to payroll items and edit PAYG and track it to the new PAYG sub. account & same for super, edit the super item and track it to the new SGC sub account.

    This will not change past transactions only new ones, if you need to change past transactions, depending on how many, you can either open and edit each pay, change super & payg to zero then put it back again & resave it... or simply do a jnl entry from the payroll liabilites account one for super to the super sub account and one for PAYG to the sub account.
  • Sharon Chaffey
    Sharon Chaffey Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2015
    Thank you - I will give it a go....
  • Sharon Chaffey
    Sharon Chaffey Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2015
    Hi Everyone,

    After setting up separate liabilities sub accounts for SGT & PAYG with the help of Kim's post earlier.

    I have also  just discovered through trial an error that if you DO NOT set up new and separate sub accounts for PAYG and SGT under payroll liabilities in Reckon Accounts Plus 2015 it will pick up both combined $$ figures and implant them into your BAS as your PAYG liability.... thus over paying  your PAYG.

    This appears to be a program glitch to me ...thank goodness this was picked this up before the BAS was completed.
  • John G
    John G Reckon Staff Posts: 1,570 Reckon Staff
    edited February 2017
    Hi Sharon,

    I would just like to clarify how amounts are picked up in the BAS.

    The fields in BAS will provide a value determined by either Tax Items selected (G1-G11, 1A, 1B fields) or the net amount of an account (W1-W4, T1) for the specified period.

    That means the account or sub-account should contain only what you are reporting here on the BAS.

    The W2 field for PAYG withheld will report the net amount of the account specified minus any Liability Cheque (forwarding of PAYG withheld to ATO). 

    Hope this clarifies how BAS field values are determined.


  • Kwikbooks (Professional Partner)
    Kwikbooks (Professional Partner) Member Posts: 825 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    HI Sharon

    As John G below tells you, you have to be careful with the dates of the BAS entries or it will affect your BAS as well,  so will the 2 accounts combined as one Liab. acct make it hard to reconcile the payroll,to  PAYG, super etc prior to BAS or producing payment summaries.  I reconcile PAYG, super & any deductions monthly.

    If you don't quite understand please give me a call...

    Kim:  0429 305300