DATA RECOVERY: How to zip/unzip or compress/extract files

Datarec_ReckonLtd Reckon Staff Posts: 1,069 Reckon Staff
edited October 2019 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
This quick guide will assist you in using the built-in file compression functions in Windows.

How to ZIP (Compress) files or folder to a compressed ZIP archive

1. Locate the file or if compressing multiple files, you can place them first into a folder

2) Select the folder and then right-click to bring up the Windows Context menu where you can choose the Send to then the Compressed (zipped) folder action

3) You can now perform further actions on the zipped archive file such as moving it to a different location, sending it to a technician for further analysis, etc

How to unZIP (Extract) files or folder from within a ZIP archive

1. Locate the zipped archive file 

2) Right-click to bring up the Windows Context menu where you can choose the Extract All action. Note that you may see further dialog windows where you can choose the destination folder.

Once extracted, you can make use of the extracted files.

* Data Recovery Team *