Superstream - selecting employees/funds

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 0 Novice Member Novice Member
I have started looking at the Super Data Export and have come across a bit of a problem. I need to be able to select which employees I want to have on the report/export file, however I have not been able to find where I can do this. Is there any way of selecting which employee or funds I want to included in the export?


  • Reckon FAQs
    Reckon FAQs Reckon Staff Posts: 357 Reckon Staff
    edited March 2017
    Hi Linda,

    Nice to hear from you here.

    Reckon Accounts assumes a business is using only one Superannuation Clearing House so all superannuation contributions payments are listed in the Super Data Export file.

    Opening the export file to remove an entry may affect critical formatting of some fields which may make the file unacceptable to the Clearing House, so we do not recommend you open this file.    

    You could split your payrun into two and run on different days with those to appear on the Export File in one and the others in the second.  You can then specify the file for the particular day.

    Hope this helps.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited November 2015
    Hi John

    We are only using one clearing house. The problem is that not all the employees are to have their super paid through the clearing house (eg. directors of the company). I need to be able to exclude these from the export/report. As the directors and employees are paid weekly, splitting the payruns, as suggested, is not an option. This would mean that we would have to export weekly rather than monthly which would create too much work and room for error. Suprestream is meant to save time not make it harder!!

    Also, the assumption that all super contributions will be paid at the same time is not helpful for those where some supers are paid monthly and some paid quarterly.

    I hope there is some other solution to this.


  • Reckon FAQs
    Reckon FAQs Reckon Staff Posts: 357 Reckon Staff
    edited March 2017
    Thanks Linda,

    I'll need to check this out with the Product Manager.

  • imerge
    imerge Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member

    Just a note on this that might help someone with the same problem - i.e. that there are employees (normally the owners with SMSF) that are not included in the Superstream system, and handled separately. What I do is this:

    • For those employees, set the FundName to ExcludeFromSuperStream

    You can export the Data File, and manually delete the lines but this is very error prone. To automate the process, do this:

    • Export from Reckon to a file called INPUT.CSV (wait for it to finish completely)
    • in the same folder, create a file called FixDataFile.ps1 with notepad, and put exactly this:

    Set-Content -Path "output.csv" -Value (get-content -Path "input.csv" | Select-String -Pattern 'ExcludeFromSuperStream' -NotMatch)

    Save and close that, then in Explorer, right-click on FixDataFile.ps1 and click RunWithPowerShell

    That will create a file called output.csv with the required lines excluded. Rename that to something sensible (like the date or period) and upload it to your super provider. Delete the input.csv file when done.

    In future, just export to the file called input.csv, and then right-click on FixDataFile.ps1 and click RunWithPowerShell

    Hope that helps someone.