superannuation underpayment in previous financial year

Sarah Norcliffe
Member Posts: 1 Novice Member

Superannuation has calculated incorrectly on some employee wages (not calculating superannuation on commissions, I have fixed this issue but I need to adjust the superannuation for each employee and obviously adjust the liability/expense accounts and pay each super fund, how do I do this? When I try and adjust payroll liabilities it does not allow me to adjust superannuation. I tried to go back and edit a pay, but then when I went into process liabilities, for that month nothing was appearing to pay. I am using Reckon Accounts Premier 2015
Hi Sarah,
Editing a pay should update the process liabilities.
Below is the steps on how I did it. In my case, the superfund name is 'new super', and I am changing it from 91.35 to 200.
I went to open the Paycheque, unlock it, and change the 'new super' from 9.5% to 200. Then save the Paycheque
Then my process liabilities shows the 200.
Make sure the you are editing falls in the correct date range for the process liability.
Deny Dharmawan
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Just FYI too, we pay commissions, say they are able to receive $100 in commission, I take this figure $100 and divide by 1.095 to get the pre-super commission amount of $91.32 and the diff $8.68 is the extra super that should calculate automatically, taking them up to the $100. Does that make sense?
Just thought I would throw my hat in the ring too.
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What about a superannuation overpayment in a previous qtr? I need to deduct it from the current qtr and ensure the Payroll Taxes and Liabilities section balances back to zero. Please advise.
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