Upgrading REeckonAccounts Premier Edition 2013 - to R2

Robert Hennig
Robert Hennig Member Posts: 5
edited August 2016 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
Upgrading REeckonAccounts Premier Edition 2013 - One machine died and reckon support sent us a link to Reckon Accounts 2013 R2 which loaded fine. However it wants to upgrade the datafile. Does this mean I have to upgrade the server and the client as well OR am I better trying to get the earlier release ?


  • Babi
    Babi Reckon Alumni Posts: 75
    edited June 2016
    Hi Robert,

     Thank you for your post!

    It sounds like you may had file in the same 2013 version but in R1 before or it could be in older versions. If you are coming from lower versions, system will prompt to upgrade file first.

    Data file can be upgraded only once but still all of your machine have to be in the same version if all are accessing the same data file. So you can check Ctrl + 1  when RA opens up for each machine and look for the product description. You should have same R2 release for all (if not, you will be required to upgrade them to R2 too)

    Seeing that you are using 2013, I would also like to remind you that RA 2013 is no more technically supported and would recommend you to upgrade to the latest 2015 version, so that we can assist you  when you have any issues.

    Please feel free to check with our customer service in regards to the purchase of 2015 or if any concerns you may have,

