Annual leave not accruing when Annual Leave is Taken

Vanessa McDonald
Vanessa McDonald Member Posts: 7
Annual Leave is not accruing when employee takes Annual Leave- how do I fix this please? Everything set up & ticked correctly. TIA 


  • Vanessa McDonald
    Vanessa McDonald Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2016
    I am using Reckon Accounts Premier 2015.

  • John Graetz
    John Graetz Member Posts: 1,653 ✭✭✭
    edited July 2020
    Hi Vanessa.  There is one thing in particular that you should look at.  Edit the particular Annual Leave payroll item until you get past the "Taxes" page and on the "Inclusions" page which primarily deals with the Super Funds for which this item applies.  At the top of this page is a box which should be ticked for Include in "Every hour worked" leave accruals.  Do you have this boxed ticked?

    The next question is - is this problem applying to every employee or only some employees?  If it is happening for every employee and you have the above box ticked, then there must be something potentially wrong with the set-up for leave for each employee.  John L G.  
  • Vanessa McDonald
    Vanessa McDonald Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2020
    Include in "Every hour worked" leave accruals.  Do you have this boxed ticked?
    Yes this box is ticked.

    The next question is - is this problem applying to every employee or only some employees?
    It is incorrect for all employees that have actually taken leave.  One employee has the correct figures, however she has not taken any leave.  So I am assuming that hers is only showing correct due to the fact that she has not taken any leave. 
  • John Graetz
    John Graetz Member Posts: 1,653 ✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Vanessa - this is starting to get hard!.  Next suggestion.

    Go to Edit> Preferences> Payroll & Employees> Company Preferences> then click on the box ?Employee Defaults.? Then click on the box ?Leave Details.? then click on the Tab for ?Leave.  ?For ?Accrual period?, ??you have three options on how to set up the calculation method.  In my case, when I process my payroll, I always provide a value for hours for salaried people with annual salaries and also for any other people being paid at an hourly rate. Therefore, I have selected the ?Every hour? ??option.  Herein could be a problem.  If you have selected this option but are only inputting a dollar value for leave, without the number of hours, it won't calculate any leave on annual leave paid.  I haven't input a value for ?Hours accrued per hour paid?, because I have to do this at the employee level, because not all of my staff get the same number of weeks of annual leave - some get more than the standard 4 weeks.
    At the employee level there are again options to select.  Find any employee for whom the leave is not accruing correctly and open their employee record in order to edit it.  Go the the ?Change Tabs? box and from the drop down arrow select ?Payroll and Compensation Info.  ?Then on the right hand side click on the box ?Leave Details.  ?Then click on the ?Holiday? tab. For the options, in my case, I have selected the ?Accrual Period? as ?Every hour.? and then inserted a value into the field ?Hours accrued per hour paid?.  Again, as mentioned earlier, if this option is selected and no actual hours are being input against the various pay items which make up the pay, the accrual will not happen if no hours are included or shown.
    I am hoping that somewhere in amongst all of this, you will find something that is causing your problem.  John L G.