Install interrupted Accounts 2016 Upgrade

Dialog indicting Installation Interrupted
QB Log file indicates error 1603
Production Windows SBS 2011 Server
.Net Framework 3.5.1 is installed
Logged on as Domain Administrator
Server is also a Domain Controller
Downloaded ReckonAccounts2016R101.exe to perform update and copied to C:\TEMP\ on this server
Stopped Antivirus services on the servers
Stopped and Started the Print Spooler
Previous version of QB still present but Services have been stopped and disabled
Windows Updates are very recent although I have noticed there are a couple still pending a reboot
Attempted Server Only Install (Option 3)
I have searched and found numerous 1603 Install Interrupted conversations and as per the above I have attempted many of the workaround solutions except for the Selective Restart. I am not keen on performing a Selective Start as this is a production server.
Thanks in advance
Try stopping the print spooler, and then start it again. Not restarting, but actually stopping it, then starting it again. Also make sure any other dependent print services are stopped. But print spooler is running when you try to install, just not the dependent services.
That should get it going. Let me know how you go.
Shane.0 -
Thanks Shane. The important part of your reply is to LEAVE THE DEPENDENT SERVICES STOPPED. I neglected to do this in my previous attempts. In my case it was the LPD service. So thanks - we are now upgraded. As a side-note... During the trouble shooting phase I was following the common steps which involved making sure that .NET 3.5.1 was installed. I received some advice to reinstall this even if it was just in case it was corrupted. Unfortunately, this led to a nightmare. The server we have running the Reckon service is SBS 2011 and did have the .NET 3.5.1 feature enabled. I then disabled it in an attempt to re-enable and thus reinstall. A reboot request appeared between the two steps. We took that and whether it was this activity or something else pending - we don't know. But the server lost all knowledge of it's storage drivers. As this is server with some age it took us a while to locate the drivers and restore them as none of the on-board recovery options helped. The mistake was that whilst we had file and system state backups we didn't have an 'image' as such and therefore recovery was harder. Thanks again for the advice. Cheers0
Thanks for the update. Glad to here you got it sorted
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Unfortunately our success was short lived and is now made worse that the SBS 2011 server is in an unstable state until I can resolve the Driver issue permanently.
All looked good until today when our second user then wanted to gain simultaneous access to the reckon company file. When we attempted to switch to MULTI-USER MODE we received the H202 error. A recent KB article identified this exact issue which then advised that you can't in fact use the FILE SERVER ONLY deployment and you have to UNINSTALL and then REINSTALL using RECKON ACCOUNTS AND COMPANY FILE SERVER. So all of the work we had done previously was now in jeopardy of failure. I had no choice so uninstalled and then started the reinstall at which point a new error appeared indicating that .NET needed to be active. This was what were were doing when the server failed as per the previous posts. SO now we are back at square 1. So at the moment a single user can access the Company file on the server share but multi-user is not possible.
Thinking I could work around this. I then installed Reckon on a different server, copied across the company file to a new area and a new share. I happen to have inherited all of these servers. This alternative server happens to be WK2008 Standard (not R2). The install seemed to work find. However, I then went into the Reckon to activate the MULTI-USER and Reckon then faults and wants to send Microsoft a problem report.
The bottom line is that I still don't have a multi-user environment. The SBS 2011 server needs to be rebooted but I need to make sure I have an image before I do. I must admit to being very frustrated with the Reckon install process having to stop and start AV and printing services and then the juggling that needs to happen with Multi user operations in our environment at the moment seems to be highly problematic. Whilst new servers are on the horizon this exercise is not over yet and has been less than pain free.
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The solution for me was to uninstall Papercut Print Logger.0