Hosted (RAH) inaccessible from elsewhere but from Perth & Sydney it’s ok
Jeffrey Arana_7451558
Member Posts: 51 Novice Member
Hosted inaccessible from elsewhere but from Perth it is OK. Please advise.
Global users we have from Singapore, NZ, and the Philippines. All of them cannot access at the moment. The sole user in Perth, he can however.
This site can’t be reached: unexpectedly closed the connection.
Global users we have from Singapore, NZ, and the Philippines. All of them cannot access at the moment. The sole user in Perth, he can however.
This site can’t be reached: unexpectedly closed the connection.
Thanks Leanne.0
oh Rav, clearing browser caches, I'm on it...let you know...0
Solved: Hosted (RAH) inaccessible from elsewhere but from Perth & Sydney it’s ok.
- it happened that we have a whitelist and had whiltelisted the original IP address of RAH last time
- with the change in IP happened in Hosted this morning, we needed to change its IP
but applied policy in our firewall using FQDN instead of IP address/es. And it works!
- thanks Rav, Support of RAH.
- happy long weekend !2 -
Glad to hear you're up and running Jeffrey Have a good weekend Cheers Rav0
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