Payroll - recording from previous accounting program

JANA COLLIER Member Posts: 4
edited June 2019 in Accounts Hosted
Hi Everyone, 

We moved to Reckon Hosted 2nd week into this FY.

We processed one weeks worth of wages through MYOB as we have moved our payroll to an agency and had issues with their first weeks set up. Now I am wanting to input that data into Hosted as its the only piece of data in there for this FY. (Id been wondering why my P&L's looked a little out of whack and its just hit me!) 

What is the best way to go about this?

Hopefully this makes sense - thank you in advance 



  • Shirley Ingle
    Shirley Ingle Accredited Partner Posts: 138 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited December 2016

    Jana  You have 2 options, enter the pays week by week. The only problem with that is it will double up on your payroll amounts if you have made the payment to the agency. Your weekly entry should have been Gross Wages less PAYG plus Super Expense Less Super Liability plus there probably would have been an Admin fee for processing plus  there may have been other charges.

    The best option is if you have the Year to Date totals from the agency is to go to Employees (top of the screen) and enter the YTD amounts and choose not to Affect the Accounts. You may have to deduct the first weeks amount from the totals if you gave the agency those amounts. By doing this, you will have all the pay amounts and as you are doing payroll yourself, those amounts will be included in the Payment summary at year end.