dll files are missing. Please reinstall
Patrick McDonald
Member Posts: 13 Novice Member
As I couldn't load a QIF file and therefore couldn't reconcile my account I uninstalled Reckon and reinstalled it from the disk I have. This been the case for several weeks. The trouble is that my disk is for a Trial Version and it won't accept my installation Key Code that comes with disk. I Know I've purchased the full version but if I had a code I no longer know what it was. I 'm using Personal Plus 2015.
Hi Patrick,
If you head into the Members area at reckon.com you'll be able to view all the software versions available to you and the respective installation key codes.
You'll need your Reckon Customer ID and PIN to log in to the Members Area, if you're not sure of those details, please give us a call at 1300 784 253
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