How do I allocate 100% of someone's salary to superannuation via salary sacrifice?

Nadine Pike
Nadine Pike Member Posts: 6 Novice Member Novice Member
edited August 2018 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)


  • John Gibson
    John Gibson Accredited Partner Posts: 47 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited October 2017
    You are able to process a NIL pay by adding 0.00001 as the pay (gets processed as a nil pay) and having the superannuation salary sacrifice amount recorded and allocated to the super liability account. Double check that the SS amount appears in the RESC box on the PAYG Certificate. Also make sure the employee has provided the employer with a letter / statement requesting the 'pay' to be 100% salary sacrificed
  • Luke
    Luke Moderator, Reckon Staff Posts: 228 Moderator Moderator
    edited August 2018
    Hi Nadine,

    You may also find this PDF document useful. It says for QuickBooks 2009-10 but it still applies for any version above this.

    Hope this helps.

  • Fay_Winten
    Fay_Winten Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member

    Can someone please assist me with how to setup 100% super salary sacrifice for an employee's pay each week. Reckon hosted is still trying to take tax out of the gross payment for some reason

  • Kris_Williams
    Kris_Williams Member Posts: 3,768 Reckon Accounts Hosted Elite Expert Reckon Accounts Hosted Expert

    In the pay item for salary sacrifice , in the taxes tab have you got PAYG ticked?