How do i get a copy of Cd of personal plus 2018 upgrade.Downloaded it but when opening there was an
Wallace Ward
Member Posts: 2 Novice Member
It is likely that the download was corrupted during the downloading over the internet (it happens when large files get interrupted). I'd suggest you simply download a fresh copy again.
Gary0 -
Thanks but i have terrible internet speed and it took 4 hours to download. just need a copy on CD but having problems finding out where or who to contact at Reckon.
0 -
Here's a complete list of all the contact numbers:
Also, there is this article:
where fellow accredited partner, Robyn Kelly made the suggestion of filling the 'request DVD' form via this link: (using your Reckon ID and pin number to login)
Gary0 -
I can post you a copy Wallace.
Please email details to:
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