Error 9 Subscript out of range

Member Posts: 31 Reckoner

Out of nowhere we are getting this error message. (been trying to fix this for 3 weeks now).
Full Error:
An error has occurred in frmQuickBooksImport : GetQuickBooksData
Subscript out of range.
What we are using:
Reckon Accounts Enterprise Retail Edition and Point of Sales Lite 2017
This error appears at around the 1200 item mark (we have around 1500 items).
So assumption was it an item that was corrupt with invalid characters.
However I just had just spent a few hours and disabled all items and services... still get the error (just doesn't count to 1200 anymore.. it just goes straight to script error after it does the tax codes).
Have called Reckon a week or so ago.. but they could only guide me to an existing KB on this site.. which didn't fix or help with the problem.
We have also verified the database, fixed any errors and done more verifies and all ok...
Anyone have any ideas?
Can not go to a backup.. as we had already overwritten before this problem came up. (and backups that do work.. are too long ago).
Is there anyway of accessing the database directly to see why there is an issue?
Thank you
Full Error:
An error has occurred in frmQuickBooksImport : GetQuickBooksData
Subscript out of range.
What we are using:
Reckon Accounts Enterprise Retail Edition and Point of Sales Lite 2017
This error appears at around the 1200 item mark (we have around 1500 items).
So assumption was it an item that was corrupt with invalid characters.
However I just had just spent a few hours and disabled all items and services... still get the error (just doesn't count to 1200 anymore.. it just goes straight to script error after it does the tax codes).
Have called Reckon a week or so ago.. but they could only guide me to an existing KB on this site.. which didn't fix or help with the problem.
We have also verified the database, fixed any errors and done more verifies and all ok...
Anyone have any ideas?
Can not go to a backup.. as we had already overwritten before this problem came up. (and backups that do work.. are too long ago).
Is there anyway of accessing the database directly to see why there is an issue?
Thank you
Hey Luke, this question is a common one, have a bit of a search through previous posts to get full trouble shooting tips however being a former employee i can tell you that 9 times out of 10 when this has ahppened ots because one of your items is using speachmarks “ in the item name or description. The other common one is when someone had imported their item into reckon from another system and the description has a carrage return (enter) in it. This cant be seen using excel however if you export your item list to an iif file then open it with something like notepad++(free download) then search for speachmarks “ and carrage returns. Once you find them either change in the iif and reimport (after backing up your files of course just in case something should happen) or after finding them open the item in reckon accounts and change it there. Basically it cracks it at any programming language codes. Regards, Chris1
Hi Chris
Thanks for the reply.
Will the error still occur even if all items disabled? As that is what I have tried...
Luke1 -
Hi Luke, yes it will. Regardless of items being disabled they are still transferred to the pod dadabase, bit silly I know but it's just because of the communication pos uses to communicate with reckon accounts. Chris1
Thanks.. I went over it again and just did a visual check in notepad++ looking for CR .. found one item... I think QB got corrupted and combined two items.. as when I searched for the item in quickbooks it showed a blended description of two items.
Also no " involved.. by looks of it.
Very weird!
Removed.. and all fixed.. Thanks
Luke1 -
Good work Luke, im glad to hear you got it all sorted. Ps: sorry for all the typos, after reading it back im thinking i need to turn spell check back on or ban myself from using my mobile in this place1
Argh.. well.. it happen again. I remember I had a similar issue before, did a google.. and top result.. this same post from 2 odd years ago! haha.
So.. for future reference and for others playing at home.
Got same error as above, error 9 subscript out of range
This time what I ended up doing:
exported items list (IIF format)
File >- Utilities -> Export -> Lists to IIF Files.. exported Items only (as that was my issue)
I also had a backup file from a day ago, so opened that and did the same.
Then used Notepad++ with Compare plugin
Compared the two files to look for changes/errors.
Found the error
It had CR in the description.
Cleaned the description, did the data transfer and it worked as expected - no errors.
Last time took me a lot longer to fix (days!), this time only a few hours