Employee Reports

Lee_9526001 Member Posts: 2
Hi Reckon Community I am trying to find a report that will show me the amout of hours that an employee has worked each pay run so that i am able to work out a LSL amount


  • Jacqui Allen
    Jacqui Allen Member Posts: 238 ✭✭
    edited February 2018
    I generally setup a custom summary report and memorise for future use.
    Dates last month/qtr
    Display columns by Payroll item detail,
    Display rows by Employee,
    Display columns for Quantity,
    Filter by transaction type Paycheque
    you may wish to filter by selected payroll items

  • Linda ABC
    Linda ABC Accredited Partner Posts: 1,132 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited June 2020
    Hi Lee - create a payroll summary report - go to Modify - filter it for that one employee - then tick to include hrs and not pay rate and you can also have it show columns by week... then send it to Excel... alternatively - instead of showing the columns by week - you can just work out how many weeks of pay dates you want to run it for (eg 156 - 3yrs) - set the date range and it will total the hours and you can work out your average hours from there?  Cheers