GovConnect STP Business OR Advisor BUT don't want both Declarations

Nancy May
Nancy May Member Posts: 8 Novice Member Novice Member
edited October 2024 in Accounts Hosted
I set up my accountant in Reckon GovConnect as an Advisor in case I got hit by a bus and he needed to do payroll for us. However, when it is time to Lodge the file his declaration came up after mine. The only way around that coming up was to delete him as an Advisor on the company file. Is that right? or should there be a tick box choosing one or the other becuase I don't see why you would ever need both? I would however like to have him there for emergencies. Not urgent, just wanted to put the question out there.


  • Simon Hutchinson_8164484
    Simon Hutchinson_8164484 Reckon Alumni Posts: 135 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff
    edited July 2018
    The ATO requirement when an adviser/tax agent is submitting on behalf of a business, is that both declarations are included with the submission. The agent must have written permission from the business to send the transaction and the written permission (the name from the written permission) is transcribed to the first declaration screen.
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