Personal Plus 2019 upgrade will not install to replace existing 2018 version.

Colin Caffyn
Colin Caffyn Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member
I have been using Reckon Accounts Personal Plus 2019 Annual Licence now for 12 months and about 3 weeks ago I paid the renewal subscription for the 2019 Annual Licence. I thought that was that but now I have a pop up saying that 2018 is about to expire. So I have gone to the members section and downloaded version 2019, but when I then ask the program to install this version I see the command but when selected it will not install. This is very frustrating and having just paid $170- for the new licence I would have thought it should be a simply process. I have been able to install the program on a 2nd PC but that is not really what I want, I need it on the machine where the 2018 version had been installed. Any suggestions as to how to sort this out would be appreciated. 


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,400 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited January 2019
    Hi Colin,
    Have you uninstalled the existing 2018 edition prior to commencing install of your new 2019 version? 
    If not, I'd recommend doing so first. I'd recommend performing a clean uninstall which is outlined here - Clean Uninstall and Reinstall of Accounts Personal.
    As always, ensure that you have a few backup copies of your file. 
  • Paul_9917211
    Paul_9917211 Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited January 2019
    Rav /  Colin,

    I have exactly the same issue and frustration.   

    I have followed EVERYTHING in the referenced article "Clean Uninstall and Reinstall of Accounts Personal."

    When I run the install program for "Reckon Accounts Personal 2019" / "Australia" I consistently get the message:

    "You still have previous versions of Reckon Accounts installed. The installation process will now close. Please un-install these previous versions of Reckon Accounts before continuing with this installation."

    I too am very frustrated. I've been forced to upgrade and paid my licence, but am now LOCKED OUT and can't access any of my data.

    Assistance will greatly appreciated.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,400 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited January 2019
    Hi Paul,
    It sounds like there are still some lingering files pertaining to the previous version.

    A further suggestion would be to utilise a 3rd party uninstaller such eg. Revo Uninstaller or the Windows tool

    Disable all security software on the PC – firewall, Anti-Virus, real-time monitors, IP scanners, desktop managers etc.

    Run the Revo Uninstaller, select the Advanced option, to remove any traces of Reckon Accounts Personal (there may not be any).

    Run the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility and remove any traces of Reckon Accounts Personal (there may not be any).

    Set your computer to restart in Selective Startup Mode
    Install Reckon Accounts Personal directly from the folder \HAB\disk1\setup.exe;
    Restart the computer in normal mode.
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