Import credit card qif file
Member Posts: 16 Reckoner
I'd like to import a .qif file for a credit card account. I know that CBA does not allow bank feeds for credit card accounts, but I can export transaction data from CBA in .qif format. Only problem is I can't import that data into Reckon Accounts (desktop). When I go to the import bank statement screen I can choose the .qif file, I can choose to rename the .qbo file but then my credit card account isn't available in the list to link it to and so nothing happens. I tried turning on the online banking features for the credit card account via the ledger, so that I can choose the account to import to, but even then nothing happens. I have 9 credit card accounts and would like to be able to import data for each of them rather than manually entering all the transactions as it's a huge task!
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