Email Payslip Issue
Kim Herriman
Member Posts: 15 Novice Member
We can't seem to be able to email payslips - after selecting payslips to email nothing comes up in select forms to send.
I've searched and tried the file/send forms/esc method at least 100 times and still no payslips are coming up to email.
I've searched and tried the file/send forms/esc method at least 100 times and still no payslips are coming up to email.
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I'm on leave from 23 December and back on deck again January 6th.
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I am unable to email Payslips after choosing to email nothing comes up in select forms to send.
I am able to email Supply Remittance, with no problems
Reckon has suggested Ctrl Esc (after doing this a hundred times) this does not work.
No email address's have changed. This is a problem that I need to resolve ASAP
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