Reckon Accounts Enterprise - Connection Has Been Lost

The primary computers are two new Dell Computers running Windows 10 Professional and a two year old machine currently with Windows 7 Professional all running in multi-user mode. Latest Tax Tables are installed and Single Tough Payroll is working.
The WIndows 7 computer has no issues but both Windows 10 machines are throwing the error 'The Connection Has Been Lost' two/three times per day within the same window of time, between 9 and 10 am and 1 to 3 pm and can happen while the program is idle or being used. I have so far been unable to determine a cause.
All computers are WiFi capable but this function has been disabled.
Updates are not set to download/install during trading hours.
Machines do not Sleep or Hibernate during these hours.
Any suggestions will be reviewed and tested if applicable.

Hi Geoff,
Is the company data file (QBW) stored on any of the computers you mentioned or on a separate server or network folder location?
You've indicated that "all running in multi-user mode."
Check out this support article.
The section titled "More than one computer on your network is configured to host your Reckon Accounts company file " may be relevant.
Data Recovery TeamRegards,
Reckon Data Recovery Team
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Thank you for your reply...I had reviewed this support article...
Only the Windows Server 2016 is configured to host the Company File.
All three computers are running the same version.
There had been an issue with the Company file when first upgraded and file was rebuilt.
Subsequent verification of the Company file has completed successfully.
I have checked Server logs nothing coincides timewise with the error.
Do you know where I can look on Windows 10 Event Viewer to see if event times coincide with the Reckon Connection Loss?
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Hi Geoff,
If you are looking at the Windows event logs, you'd likely need to check the Application section of those event logs.
The Reckon Accounts software has its own log called "QBWIN.LOG" which you can search for on the computers that have the Reckon software installed.
When you perform the Verify and Rebuild functions, the QBWIN.LOG gets updated.
During this period of 9am to 10am and 1pm to 3pm, would you be able to test whether this connection failed issue is occurring if only one computer has the Reckon Accounts software running with all other computers the software is closed.
So one computer logged in to the specific company data file, with that data file in 'multi-user mode'.
Reckon Data Recovery Team
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Only one of the two computers had the error today...
I checked QBWIN.LOG for the time 'Connection Has Been Lost' error today for the one that failed and this is what was recorded for that time hack...
load.c (4115) : CHECKPOINT: Wed Sep 04 13:46:49 InitSystem: Open System
load.c (4123) : CHECKPOINT: Wed Sep 04 13:46:49 InitSystem: Open System succeeded
load.c (4468) : CHECKPOINT: Wed Sep 04 13:46:49 InitSystem: successful completion
formwin.c (2520) : CHECKPOINT: Wed Sep 04 13:46:49 Creating form: formID=2551, itID=1
oaerror.c (110) : CHECKPOINT: Wed Sep 04 13:46:49 OAstdMethodRet (80040600)
oaerror.c (110) : CHECKPOINT: Wed Sep 04 13:46:49 OAstdMethodRet (80040600)
filepath.cpp (223) : MESSAGE: Wed Sep 04 13:46:49 LVL_ERROR--Got unexpected error 5 in call to NetShareGetInfo for path \
This string was followed by the path to Company File.
Is this useful?
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Hi Geoff,
can you turn on Network Discovery on the computers that are affected.
See if that helps as other users have that NetshareGetInfo issue and it solved it for them.
Data Recovery TeamRegards,
Reckon Data Recovery Team
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Network Discovery on each computer is turned on however there may still be an issue here.
Computers can't always see other computers on the domain network using File Explorer including from the Server. It is a sporatic error, sometimes I can see them and sometimes not. I have not been able to find a cause or solution.
I setup a network drive to the location on the server on each computer and can access the address when opening Reckon Accounts but something is stopping other network computers being seen in File Explorer.
The Network computers can not always be seen from the machine running Windows 7 Professional either but this computer has had no Reckon Accounts connection error at all so I suspect it is some Windows 10 feature adversely interacting with Reckon Accounts.
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Based on the error message, can you confirm whether you have the Reckon Accounts software installed o the machine with "Windows Server 2016"?
Reckon Data Recovery Team
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Further to this issue. Errors have been occurring intermittently and I have been tracking them in the logs. Some days there are none, most days one or two and on one day five.
The most common ongoing error or final entry in the log viewed after abort is the following...
ProfileManager.cpp (2077) : MESSAGE: Wed Oct 16 12:04:24 LVL_SEVERE_ERROR--Could not save Persistent Aggregate Value. Hr = 80040608
dbspecificerrorhandler.cpp (70) : MESSAGE: Wed Oct 16 12:16:15 LVL_ERROR--DB error -308 ErrorMessage:'Connection was terminated' from file:'.\.\src\DMSQLTransaction.cpp' at line 113 from function:'DBMgr::SADMTransaction::DBSQLBeginTransaction'
...only a couple of times the one previously noted...
filepath.cpp (223) : MESSAGE: Mon Oct 21 11:38:48 LVL_ERROR--Got unexpected error 5 in call to NetShareGetInfo for path \...
The intermittent abort only happens on the two new computers running Windows 10.The one computer running Windows 7 has never aborted.
Switches and cables have been replaced and load between computers and server minimized.
All drivers and firmware on the server and these two machines are up to date.
Manufacturer has reviewed hardware/firmware/driver status and all is within specification.
Wireless connection is turned off.Data integrity has been checked successfully multiple times and a rebuild was necessary once.
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Yes of course.
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I opened Reckon on both Windows 10 desktops in Compatibility mode for Windows 7.
Both systems have remained stable with no abort due to connection loss for five days so am cautiously optimistic this workaround will remain stable.
I had assumed Reckon Accounts Enterprise 2019 would be fully compliant with Windows 10 DLL's by now given that Mocrosoft support for Windows 7 ends February 2020.
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Hi Geoff,
Good to hear you have resolved the issue. Thanks for sharing your solution.
Perhaps the mix of Windows 10 and Windows 7 has contributed to the issue.
When you replace your Windows 7 machines, removing the launching of Reckon Accounts in Windows 7 compatibility mode would likely be a good idea.Regards,
Reckon Data Recovery Team
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Final resolution:
At first the connection issue seemed to be resolved but it didn't last.
There was an intermittent connection error once or twice a week mostly on one primary work desktop but occasionally on another machine working with multi-user on the same Company File.
I reconfigured the network directing all traffic to/from the server through a dedicated switch and replaced/upgraded all switches and all cabling but the intermittent error persisted.
Then the primary desktop began to have trouble installing updates and attempts were not being catelogued. After a thorough review of software and settings the motherboard was replaced and there have been no further connection errors since this was done, over two months now.
So it appears that a faulty motherboard component was causing occasional connection errors.
I hope this is helpful for anyone having the same issue.