Possible solution for backup failing or gets stuck on Reckon Accounts Hosted & desktop

Datarec Reckon Staff Posts: 1,288 Reckon Staff
edited May 2022 in Accounts Hosted

If you are currently able to open the company data file successful, yet when attempting to backup are encountering problems this may be due to multiple issues.

Some problems are minor whilst others may require additional measures.

This is why regular backups and file maintenance needs to be performed at regular intervals proportional to your level of risk tolerance.

We recommend that you first download a copy of your data file to your local computer.

How to download a company data file (*.QBW) from the Reckon Accounts Hosted platform to your local computer

Keep that copy of the file in case things get worse.

Then try this article which has helped other users with a similarly described problem.

Reckon Accounts is frozen and taking long to backup/Not responding when doing the file backup.

If it still does not work, request a data service and send us a copy of the data file you had downloaded to your local computer. 

How to submit a Reckon Accounts Hosted data file for analysis

If you have been able to backup, review the recommendations and incorporate them into your own process.

Important Recommendations for password, backup and file maintenance on the Reckon Accounts Hosted platform


Data Recovery Team


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